Name | Description | Type | Default |
GameMode | The currently selected Gamemode. | Toggle | Standard |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Host GM | Allows Host to spawn as a GM. This makes them a ghost from the start of the game without any roles or tasks. | Toggle | OFF |
┗ Spectator Mode | Makes you automatically haunt different people, useful for when you’re afk. | Toggle | ON |
- ┗ Auto Haunt Cooldown | The cooldown for Auto Haunt | Time | OFF |
Chat AutoKick | Automatically kick players who say certain banned words from game. | Toggle | 25s |
Kick Players w/o Friendcodes | This setting must be disabled if playing on a modded server. Automatically kick players who do not have a friendcode from game.* | Toggle | DISABLED |
Kick Players Under Level | Automatically kick players who are below the defined level. | Number | DISABLED |
Kick Mobile Players | Automatically kick players who are playing on a mobile device. | Toggle | DISABLED |
Enable Whitelist via Friendcode | If you have Friendcodes in the LOTUS_DATA\friendcodes.txt file, it will allow them to join the lobby. | Toggle | DISABLED |
AutoStart | Automatically starts the game when the set number of players is reached. | Toggle | Off |
┣ Player Threshold | How many players until the game automatically starts. | Toggle | Off |
┣ Maximum Wait Time | The amount of time until the game automatically starts. | Time | DISABLED |
┗ Game Countdown | The timer for AutoStart (Like how pressing the start button has a 5s timer.) | Time | 10s |
Auto Play Again | Automatically go back to lobby once a game is finished after 5s. | Toggle | On |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Optimize Role Counts for Playability | Optimizes role counts for playability. | Toggle | ON |
First Kill Cooldown | Choose whether to use the role’s set cooldown, the global (10s) cooldown, or set a custom cooldown. | Toggle | Global CD |
┗ Set Cooldown Value (for Custom CD) | Set the first kill cooldown to a custom value. | Time | 10s |
Disable Tasks | Allows the host to disable certain tasks from showing up for players. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Card Swipe | Disables the Card Swipe task from being given to players. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Med Scan | Disables the Med Scan task from being given to players. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Unlock Safe | Disables the Unlock Safe task from being given to players. (Task is only available on Airship) | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Upload Data | Disables the Download/Upload Data task from being given to players. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disables Start Reactor | Disables the Start Reactor task from being given to players. | Toggle | OFF |
┗ Disable Reset Breaker | Disables the Reset Breaker task from being given to players. (Task is only available on Airship) | Toggle | OFF |
Disable Task Win | Disables the ability for Crewmates to win by completing all of their tasks. | Toggle | OFF |
Ghosts See Info | Indicators may include modifiers, cursed or doused players, players who are holding a bomb or who are blackmailed etc. Allows Ghosts (dead players) to see info about everyone.* | Toggle | ON |
Ladder Death | Chance of falling from a ladder and dying (Airship Only). | Percentage | OFF |
Modifier Text Mode | How modifiers are displayed in someone’s name. All -> All modifiers are displayed as text. First -> Only the first modifier is displayed as text. | Toggle | OFF |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Disable Sabotages | Disables Impostor’s ability to use certain sabotages. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Reactor | Disables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Reactor (Skeld, Mira HQ, Airship). | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Oxygen | Disables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Oxygen (Skeld and Mira HQ). | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Lights | Disables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Lights. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Communications | Disables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Communications. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Disable Doors | Disables Impostor’s ability to close Doors. | Toggle | OFF |
┗ Disable Crash Course | Disables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Crash Course (Airship only). | Toggle | OFF |
Skeld Reactor Countdown | Customizes Countdown to fix Reactor on Skeld before death. | Time | DEFAULT |
Skeld Oxygen Countdown | Customizes Countdown to fix Oxygen on Skeld before death. | Time | DEFAULT |
Mira Reactor Countdown | Customizes Countdown to fix Reactor on Mira HQ before death. | Time | DEFAULT |
Mira Oxygen Countdown | Customizes Countdown to fix Oxygen on Mira HQ before death. | Time | DEFAULT |
Polus Reactor Countdown | Customizes Countdown to fix Reactor on Polus before death. | Time | DEFAULT |
Airship Crash Course Countdown | Customizes Countdown to fix Crash Course on Airship before death. | Time | DEFAULT |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Single Meeting Pool | The amount of global meetings that can be called in a game. | Number | OFF |
Resolve Tie Mode | What happens when there is a tie in a meeting. | Toggle | OFF |
No Vote Mode | What to do when someone doesn’t vote. | Toggle | OFF |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Random Spawn | Makes player spawn in random places around the map instead of everyone spawning in the same spot. | Toggle | OFF |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Madmates Take Impostor Slots | If Madmates should take the spots of Impostors. | Number | OFF |
Maximum Madmates | The maximum amount of Madmates that can be chosen. | Toggle | OFF |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Neutral Teaming Mode | Should all neutral’s be on the same team. | Toggle | Disabled |
┗ Team Knows Everyone’s Roles | Should all neutrals know the other people’s roles. | Toggle | OFF |
Minimum Neutral Passive Roles | Minimum amount of Neutral Passive that can be chosen. | Number | OFF |
Minimum Neutral Passive Roles | Maximum amount of Neutral Passive that can be chosen. | Number | OFF |
Minimum Neutral Killing Roles | Minimum amount of Neutral Killing that can be chosen. | Number | OFF |
Minimum Neutral Killing Roles | Maximum amount of Neutral Killing that can be chosen. | Number | OFF |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Maximum Modifiers per Player | The amount of modifiers a Player can have at once. | Number | 1 |
Evenly Distribute Modifiers | If modifiers should be evenly distributed. | Toggle | On |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Assigned Pet | Many roles require a pet in order to function. The game will automatically assign a pet to any players who don't have one. Chooses what pet will be assigned to people who do not have a pet.* | Options | RANDOM |
Allow /name | Allows players (choose between friends only, or everyone) to change their name using /name. | Toggle | OFF |
Allow /color and /level | Allows players (choose between friends only, or everyone) to change their color or level using /color and /level | Toggle | OFF |
Allow /tpin and /tpout | Allows players (choose between friends only, or everyone) to tp in or out of the ship using /tpin and /tpout | Toggle | OFF |
Auto Display Results | Automatically displays the results of the last game after the game ends. | Toggle | ON |
Auto Display Cause of Death | Automatically displays the cause of death for players. | Toggle | ON |
Enable Random Maps | Randomizes which map is used to play each game. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Skeld | Allows for Skeld to be included in the list of randomized maps. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Mira | Allows for Mira HQ to be included in the list of randomized maps. | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Polus | Allows for Polus to be included in the list of randomized maps. | Toggle | OFF |
┗ Airship | Allows for Airship to be included in the list of randomized maps. | Toggle | OFF |
Color Names | Displays everyone’s name as the color of their Among Us character. | Toggle | OFF |
Blackscreen Resolver | What blackscreen resolver should be used (Legacy [1.0], New [1.1]) | Toggle | ON |
Log Events | What should be listed under “Event Log” on the End Screen of a Game. | Toggle | ALL |