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In-Game Options

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Gamemode Selection

GameModeThe currently selected Gamemode.ToggleStandard

Host Options

Host GMAllows Host to spawn as a GM. This makes them a ghost from the start of the game without any roles or tasks.ToggleOFF
┗ Spectator ModeMakes you automatically haunt different people, useful for when you’re afk.ToggleON
- ┗ Auto Haunt CooldownThe cooldown for Auto HauntTimeOFF
Chat AutoKickAutomatically kick players who say certain banned words from game.Toggle25s
Kick Players w/o Friendcodes
This setting must be disabled if playing on a modded server.
Automatically kick players who do not have a friendcode from game.*
Kick Players Under LevelAutomatically kick players who are below the defined level.NumberDISABLED
Kick Mobile PlayersAutomatically kick players who are playing on a mobile device.ToggleDISABLED
Enable Whitelist via FriendcodeIf you have Friendcodes in the LOTUS_DATA\friendcodes.txt file, it will allow them to join the lobby.ToggleDISABLED
AutoStartAutomatically starts the game when the set number of players is reached.ToggleOff
┣ Player ThresholdHow many players until the game automatically starts.ToggleOff
┣ Maximum Wait TimeThe amount of time until the game automatically starts.TimeDISABLED
┗ Game CountdownThe timer for AutoStart (Like how pressing the start button has a 5s timer.)Time10s
Auto Play AgainAutomatically go back to lobby once a game is finished after 5s.ToggleOn

Gameplay Options

  • Note: This is overridden when Other Gamemodes are selected.
Optimize Role Counts for PlayabilityOptimizes role counts for playability.ToggleON
First Kill CooldownChoose whether to use the role’s set cooldown, the global (10s) cooldown, or set a custom cooldown.ToggleGlobal CD
┗ Set Cooldown Value (for Custom CD)Set the first kill cooldown to a custom value.Time10s
Disable TasksAllows the host to disable certain tasks from showing up for players.ToggleOFF
┣ Disable Card SwipeDisables the Card Swipe task from being given to players.ToggleOFF
┣ Disable Med ScanDisables the Med Scan task from being given to players.ToggleOFF
┣ Disable Unlock SafeDisables the Unlock Safe task from being given to players.
(Task is only available on Airship)
┣ Disable Upload DataDisables the Download/Upload Data task from being given to players.ToggleOFF
┣ Disables Start ReactorDisables the Start Reactor task from being given to players.ToggleOFF
┗ Disable Reset BreakerDisables the Reset Breaker task from being given to players.
(Task is only available on Airship)
Disable Task WinDisables the ability for Crewmates to win by completing all of their tasks.ToggleOFF
Ghosts See Info
Indicators may include modifiers, cursed or doused players, players who are holding a bomb or who are blackmailed etc.
Allows Ghosts (dead players) to see info about everyone.*
Ladder DeathChance of falling from a ladder and dying (Airship Only).PercentageOFF
Modifier Text ModeHow modifiers are displayed in someone’s name.
All -> All modifiers are displayed as text.
First -> Only the first modifier is displayed as text.

Sabotage Options

Disable SabotagesDisables Impostor’s ability to use certain sabotages.ToggleOFF
┣ Disable ReactorDisables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Reactor (Skeld, Mira HQ, Airship).ToggleOFF
┣ Disable OxygenDisables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Oxygen (Skeld and Mira HQ).ToggleOFF
┣ Disable LightsDisables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Lights.ToggleOFF
┣ Disable CommunicationsDisables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Communications.ToggleOFF
┣ Disable DoorsDisables Impostor’s ability to close Doors.ToggleOFF
┗ Disable Crash CourseDisables Impostor’s ability to sabotage Crash Course (Airship only).ToggleOFF
Skeld Reactor CountdownCustomizes Countdown to fix Reactor on Skeld before death.TimeDEFAULT
Skeld Oxygen CountdownCustomizes Countdown to fix Oxygen on Skeld before death.TimeDEFAULT
Mira Reactor CountdownCustomizes Countdown to fix Reactor on Mira HQ before death.TimeDEFAULT
Mira Oxygen CountdownCustomizes Countdown to fix Oxygen on Mira HQ before death.TimeDEFAULT
Polus Reactor CountdownCustomizes Countdown to fix Reactor on Polus before death.TimeDEFAULT
Airship Crash Course CountdownCustomizes Countdown to fix Crash Course on Airship before death.TimeDEFAULT

Meeting Options

Single Meeting PoolThe amount of global meetings that can be called in a game.NumberOFF
Resolve Tie ModeWhat happens when there is a tie in a meeting.ToggleOFF
No Vote ModeWhat to do when someone doesn’t vote.ToggleOFF

Mayhem Options

Random SpawnMakes player spawn in random places around the map instead of everyone spawning in the same spot.ToggleOFF

★ Madmates ★

Madmates Take Impostor SlotsIf Madmates should take the spots of Impostors.NumberOFF
Maximum MadmatesThe maximum amount of Madmates that can be chosen.ToggleOFF

Neutral Teaming Mode

Neutral Teaming ModeShould all neutral’s be on the same team.ToggleDisabled
┗ Team Knows Everyone’s RolesShould all neutrals know the other people’s roles.ToggleOFF
Minimum Neutral Passive RolesMinimum amount of Neutral Passive that can be chosen.NumberOFF
Minimum Neutral Passive RolesMaximum amount of Neutral Passive that can be chosen.NumberOFF
Minimum Neutral Killing RolesMinimum amount of Neutral Killing that can be chosen.NumberOFF
Minimum Neutral Killing RolesMaximum amount of Neutral Killing that can be chosen.NumberOFF

Subrole Options

Maximum Modifiers per PlayerThe amount of modifiers a Player can have at once.Number1
Evenly Distribute ModifiersIf modifiers should be evenly distributed.ToggleOn

Miscellaneous Options

Assigned Pet
Many roles require a pet in order to function. The game will automatically assign a pet to any players who don't have one.
Chooses what pet will be assigned to people who do not have a pet.*
Allow /nameAllows players (choose between friends only, or everyone) to change their name using /name.ToggleOFF
Allow /color and /levelAllows players (choose between friends only, or everyone) to change their color or level using /color and /levelToggleOFF
Allow /tpin and /tpoutAllows players (choose between friends only, or everyone) to tp in or out of the ship using /tpin and /tpoutToggleOFF
Auto Display ResultsAutomatically displays the results of the last game after the game ends.ToggleON
Auto Display Cause of DeathAutomatically displays the cause of death for players.ToggleON
Enable Random MapsRandomizes which map is used to play each game.ToggleOFF
┣ SkeldAllows for Skeld to be included in the list of randomized maps.ToggleOFF
┣ MiraAllows for Mira HQ to be included in the list of randomized maps.ToggleOFF
┣ PolusAllows for Polus to be included in the list of randomized maps.ToggleOFF
┗ AirshipAllows for Airship to be included in the list of randomized maps.ToggleOFF
Color NamesDisplays everyone’s name as the color of their Among Us character.ToggleOFF
Blackscreen ResolverWhat blackscreen resolver should be used (Legacy [1.0], New [1.1])ToggleON
Log EventsWhat should be listed under “Event Log” on the End Screen of a Game.ToggleALL