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Custom User Titles

Custom Tags

Location: `LOTUS_DATA/Titles’

File Type: yaml

File Name: Among Us Friend Code (e.g. envykindly#7034)

Custom tags allow for players to add colors to their username as well as titles above their username in Among Us. In order for a host to add a players custom tag, they’ll need to create a yaml file with any/all of the following information:

Text: # This is the text that goes above your username
Gradient: # Creates a gradient FROM Color 1 to Color 2 automatically
Size: # Default AU size is 2
Name: # This is the size and color/gradient attributed to your username. Leave this line blank and fill in the options below
Gradient: # Creates a gradient from Color 1 to Color 2 automatically. For gradient enter "[hex 1], [hex 2]" (refer to examples above)
Size: # Default AU size is 2
Prefix: # This is the size, color, and text that goes before your username. Leave this line blank and fill in the options below
Spaced: # This field is either True or False and used if there should be a space between the Suffix and the player's username (example: ♥ shiftyrose)
Text: # Add the text you'd like to go before your username here
Color: # Add the hex code that you'd like the prefix to be here
Size: # Default AU size is 2
Suffix: # This is the size, color, and text that goes after your username. Leave this line blank and fill in the options below
Spaced: # This field is either True or False and used if there should be a space between the Suffix and the player's username (example: shiftyrose ♥)
Text: # Add the text you'd like to go before your username here
Color: # Add the hex code that you'd like the prefix to be here
Size: # Default AU size is 2
Text: # This is the text that goes below your username
Gradient: # Creates a gradient FROM Color 1 to Color 2 automatically
Size: # Default AU size is 2

Creating A New Title:

Navigate to the /LOTUS_DATA/Titles directory

Create a new yaml file named: [friendcode].yaml (example: buffdulcet#0871.yaml)

Set up the title components in the yaml

Available Components:

UpperTextResponsible for the text above the player’s username
LowerTextResponsible for the text below the player’s username
PrefixThe text that comes before a player’s username
SuffixThe text that comes after a player’s username
NameThe player’s username

The player’s username is the name they enter the lobby with or change with /name. It is not specified directly in the yaml file.

Component Items:

These are the things you can define for each component to change

TextSets the text for the component (does not work for Name)
GradientA list of HTML color codes defining a range of colors to apply to the text. (Refer to the example image)
ColorIf gradient is not specified, a solid color to apply to the text
SizeThe size of the text (default is 2)
Spaced(Only applicable to Prefix & Suffix) Whether the text should have a space between it and the player’s name

Lastly you can reload your (local) title files with the command ‘/tload’, the change is immediate

Example Tags

Example 1

Text: The One Above All
Gradient: "#ff0000, #e1e100" #Creates a gradient FROM Color 1 to Color 2 automatically
Size: 2 # Default AU size is 2, i believe this is exponential (so 100 would be terrible)
Gradient: "#e1e100, #ff0000" #Creates a gradient FROM Color 1 to Color 2 automatically
Size: 2 # Default AU size is 2, i believe this is exponential (so 100 would be terrible)
Spaced: True # If there should be a space between the Suffix and the player's name (example: Akali ♥)
Color: "#ff0000"
Size: 2 # Default AU size is 2, i believe this is exponential (so 100 would be terrible)
Spaced: True # If there should be a space between the Suffix and the player's name (example: Akali ♥)
Color: "#e1e100"
Size: 2 # Default AU size is 2, i believe this is exponential (so 100 would be terrible)


Alt text

Example 2

Gradient: "#3BCFD4, #FC9305, #F20094"
Size: 1.925
Text: ♡ Tipsy ♡
Gradient: "#3BCFD4,#F20094, #F74B4B, #FC9305,#96B373, #3BCFD4,#F20094"
Spaced: true
Color: "#F20094"
Spaced: true
Color: "#3BCFD4"

Output: Alt text