Modded Client Compatibility
Basis: Engineer Ability: Completing tasks earns the Mafioso Cash. Cash can be spent during meeting to purchase the following items:
Mastermind picks a player to “manipulate”. The “manipulated” player gets notified after [some undecided delay] that they’ve been manipulated. Afterwards, they MUST kill another player with their (pet or kill) button, otherwise they die after a fixed duration (or on meeting called)
Occultist is the neutral version of witch Options:
The Identity Thief shapeshifts into whoever they kill. The disguise lasts until they are ready to kill again, or, optionally, until they kill another player and shift into their next victim.
The first person to be voted by the Medic will gain a shield. Once the Medic dies, this shield is lost. The Medic protects a target by voting them twice in meeting. The Medic may choose to bypass this ability by skipping.
The Amalgamation is the hidden role version of Amnesiac. The Amalgamation gains (becomes) the abilities of every player they report.
Use your pet button to plant a seed on a player. After a set period of time, that player’s “bloom counter” will increase. After a set number of blooms, use your pet button to reveal that player’s role. After a player’s role has been revealed, you can continue to reveal it to the nearest player by using the pet button on the same player.
Once per meeting, select a player to track. You will have an arrow pointing towards that player until they die. If enabled, you may also use your pet button to temporarily track all dead bodies.
(Uses Kill Button OR Pet Button to target.. based on options) Description: When the Alluer uses their target button on an impostor or neutral killer, they become charmed and join the crewmates team. Charmed players will know they’ve been charmed, and lose the ability to kill crewmates. If the Allurer charms a crewmate, they misfire and die.
All credit to TroyAndRey for the great idea, I only made some minor changes to it
The Demon’s killing rules are different from others. Everyone in the Demon’s perspective has health volume. Demon kill and are killed instead consume health. Killing will take effect when the health is exhausted. Note: If other people consume the Demon’s health but fail to kill the player, the murderer will see the shield-animation on the Demon as a reminder.
Use the Vent button to temporarily become invisible. Venting while invisible will cause the Swooper to become visible again. NOTE - If the Swooper kills the Demolitionist, it will die as Swooper cannot full vent.
This role is Swooper but for Crewmates
Shapeshift into a player to blackmail them. During meeting, the blackmailed player will have text displaying “BLACKMAILED” to all players.If the Blackmailed player attempts to speak a certain amount of times (Depends on settings), they will die.
As Copycat, the first time you get attacked you’ll change affiliation. If you were attacked by an impostor, you’re now an impostor. If by a solo killer, then you’re also a solo killer.Depending on the host’s options, you may become the Exact role that attacked you, and may even gain their ‘progress’.
The Retributionist is a Neutral killer with a twist. If the Retributionist were to ever die, it would have x seconds (time configured by Host) to find their killer and kill them to come back to life. The Retributionist can come back multiple times, depending on host’s settings.
The Bloodlust modifier changes ANY role (given the options) Into a solo & independent killer, whilst maintaining the root role’s abilities
Romantic is sorta like lovers but it gets assigned to one player. During the first meeting, the Romantic player MUST chose a partner by voting them or die. Depending on the host’s options, their partner will be notified of their new romance. The Romantic now wins with their partner, as long as their partner is alive. The Romantic’s pet button gives their partner a temporary shield that protects against fatal attacks (like Medic shield).
If their partner happens to die… the Romantic can turn into either:
The vengeful romantic’s sole goal is to kill their enemy, the person who took away their partner. The vengeful romantic can use their pet button or kill button to take out their partner’s killer, and if they kill any other player, they’ll die as a “misfire”
The ruthless romantic doesn’t care about anything anymore, and just wants everyone dead. They act as a normal neutral killer, winning by themselves. If player of this role was originally a crewmate, the pet button functions as their kill button.
Reduces a player’s kill cooldown
Makes a player’s attacks unblockable (pierces medic shield, for example)
Assassin is an evil guesser and part of the Impostor team. While in meeting the Assassin first vote locks in the player they’re going to guess. Then the Assassin uses a chat command to guess the role (i.e. /r [role]). The Assassin’s second guess locks in the guess. The Assassin has the ability to kill regularly and will suicide if they miss-guess.
First of all, now it spawns correctly The Creeper’s only job is to cause as much chaos as possible. Use either your Pet or Shapeshift button to kill yourself and any player within a radius determined by host. You might find yourself lucky and be protected from your bombs with a shield (ex. medic shield) and live to see another day. If the option is off however, nothing can protect you.