Updated role/game options to look and work exactly like vanilla
Redid Menu and Options with new art created by Piggy
Replaced In-game credits with custom ones related to PL
Add SChinese Language
Added /mod, /unmod, /admin, and /start
Added whitelist.txt to LOTUS_DATA
Added /info command
Added End Game Summary
New Gamemodes
Capture The Flag
Capture The Flag is a gamemode in which you must capture the enemies flag. Their flag is usually on the opposite side of the map from where you spawn.
You can use your Pet Button to pick up their flag, and you must make it back to your flag without losing their flag. Once you’re back, you can use your pet button to score a point.
Colorwars is a gamemode in which you must convert everyone to your color using your kill button. If someone else converts you to their color then you’re on their team now, this continues until there is only one color left.
Optionally, by turning off the Convert Color Mode option, you can make it so all teams must fight to the death.
Report a body to revive the player at the cost of your own life. Depending on the settings, the revival may be delayed. If a meeting is called during this time, the revive is canceled and nothing happens.
Idea taken from Town Of Us
For more information, check out the website page.
Duplicator (Crewmate)
The Duplicator can use their Pet Button to place a clone of themselves, once somebody gets close to the clone, that person will die.
The location of the clone is determined by the host’s settings, either spawning on top of the Duplicator, or in a random spot on the map.
These clones despawn at the end of the round.
Unique Role Idea by @Essence0215
For more information, check out the website page.
Genie (Crewmate)
The Genie is able to gift other players certain modifiers by voting them in meeting. Note that due to limitations, not all modifiers are giftable.
Depending on host settings, you may either have a certain chance of failing the gift, or have a maximum amount of wishes.
Unique Role Idea by @Essence0215
For more information, check out the website page.
Vanilla Roles
The vanilla roles (Shapeshifter, Phantom, Noisemaker, Tracker) have been added to the settings.
You can add them along with the modded roles and they work seamlessly.
Your old settings will not port over to these roles.
New Modifiers
Last Resort
Indicator: »
As the Last Resort, you can vote yourself to gain extra votes for the rest of the match. This vote is canceled and you are able to vote anyone else after this. The drawback is that your role is now revealed to the public for everyone to see.
Unique Role Idea by @Englishpump93
For more information, check out the website page.
Indicator: ⌘
Grants any role the ability to guess players’ roles to eliminate them. If the Guesser is able to successfully guess a player’s role, then that player will be elimianted.
While in meeting, the Guesser can select a player they want to guess by voting for them. They can then try to guess that player’s role by using the /r [role] command (e.g. /r Vampire) in the chat.
If the Guesser correctly guesses both the player and their role, then that player will die. If the Guesser misguesseses they will suicide. To skip guessing, you may skip first before voting for a player.
Idea taken from Town Of Us (Originally Assassin)
For more information, check out the website page.
Role Changes
Tracker (Crewmate)
This role replaces the old Tracker from v1.0.
The Tracker can use their Track button on a player to mark their location and track that player’s movements on their map.
Additionally, the Tracker can use their Pet button to reveal arrows pointing in the direction of any dead bodies around the map if enabled by the host.
Assassin can no longer guess people who have had their role revealed.
They can also no longer guess teammates or impostor roles.
An option was added for Assassin to guess the same people allowed as the Guesser subrole.
If enabled, they can only guess roles that the Guesser subrole can guess minus Impostor roles.
Vigilante can no longer guess people who have had their role revealed.
They can also no longer guess crewmate roles.
An option was added for Vigilante to guess the same people allowed as the Guesser subrole.
If enabled, they can only guess roles that the Guesser subrole can guess minus crewmate roles.
Pirate can no longer guess people who have had their role revealed.
They can also no longer guess teammates or impostor roles.
An option was added for Pirate to guess the same people allowed as the Guesser subrole.
If enabled, they can only guess roles that the Guesser subrole can guess.
This role was renamed to Taskrunner, to avoid confusion with the vanilla role.
An option named Announce Bait at First Meeting was added.
It does exactly what you think it does.
It won’t announce if there is no bait, or bait dies round 1.
Creeper now uses Phantom instead of Shapeshifter.
This role was named to Rogue because the word “lust” is censored by Innersloth.
It was not named Bloodthirst to avoid confusion with another role.
Sheriff, Postman, and Phantom can no longer have this subrole under normal circumstances.
Sheriff can no longer have this subrole under normal circumstances.
Altruist cannot be assigned this subrole under normal circumstances.
Their ability activates upon report.
Watcher is no longer assigned if the host has Anonymous Votes disabled.
Romantic no longer suicides if the meeting was force ended. (ex. Dictator)
Added “Partner can Win with Romantic”.
Allows the Romantic to win if the partner wins by themselves
Added “Cancel Game Win if Solo Winner” if “Partner can Win with Romantic” is on
Does not allow Romantic to win by themselves if the partner is dead
General Changes
100% Roles are no longer given priority before roles that are less than 100%
Roles with a Count more than 1 are now added at the start of role assignment instead of being added after someone was assigned the role
Ghost Haunt Menu now shows the player’s role
Sheriff & Postman can no longer be assigned to Bloodlust
Added a new Announcements System
Added Delay Networked Data
Added Team Shower for Vanilla Desynced Impostors
Added Unshift Button Trigger
Added Detection for SickoMenu
Added New “Sniped” Cause of Death for Sniper
Added More Options to other gamemodes
Added /mod, /unmod, /admin, and /start
Added /tp option in settings
Added Lobby Timer for Non-Host players
Added Search Bar inside the settings
Added Spectator Mode to GM
Added H Keybind for History Button
Added Shapeshift Options to Ninja
Added whitelist.txt to LOTUS_DATA
Added /info command
Updated how Addons are communicated between players
Updated AntiBlackscreen code
Changed the Intro Sounds for some roles
Bug Fixes
Fixed Vampiress, Amalgamation, and other role’s Options not being in settings
Fixed Host killing players for others and other role related issues
Fixed Game crashing after the game ends
Fixed Ventilation Error
Fixed CTRL+D and CTRL+T Keybinds
Fixed All vote related roles
Fixed Issues with teleporting for non-modded clients (includes Random Spawn)
Fixed Subroles not assigning and issues with subroles themselves
Fixed Issues with roles detecting when players die (e.g. Doctor)
Fixed Subroles not clearing after the game ends
Fixed Issues with venting for modded clients
Fixed All roles using pet action
Fixed Blackmailer Role
Fixed Bastion Role
Fixed Crusader, Charmer, and Escort breaking kill button
Fixed Modifiers not assigning the correct amount
Fixed Shapeshifter-Based roles not working for vanilla clients
Fixed Role arrows disappearing if the target dies
Fixed Transformation/Variation roles not working
Fixed Some roles dealing with sabotages
Fixed MurderCheck code (fixed Demon)
Fixed Pelican role (hopefully)
Fixed Impostor Ghost Text
Fixed Blackmailer role
Fixed Amnesiac role
Fixed Dictator role
Fixed Postman role
Fixed Vanilla Clients Kill Button not being set to the first kill cooldown
Fixed Mystic replacing role name and gave it the icon “ī”
Fixed Camouflager freezing players after meetings
Fixed Copycat stopping the game from starting
Fixed Modded Clients not receiving roles
Fixed Identity Thief role
Fixed AutoPlay Again
Fixed Mafioso Role
Fixed Observer not updating vision on lights
Fixed Shapeshifting during meeting
Fixed Game crashing (again)
Fixed Ghost Haunt Menu
Fixed Fireworks Role
Fixed Sniper Role
Fixed Nimble not allowing modded clients to vent
Fixed Workhorse role and other task giver roles
Fixed Host getting tasks instead of Workhorse
Fixed Medium role not working
Fixed /r snitch not working
Fixed TimeThief role
Fixed Bug with Role arrows leading to the wrong person
Fixed Blackmailer message not showing up in chat
Fixed Pirate role not being able to guess
Fixed Backwards Slash crashing the game
Fixed Amnesiac
Fixed Start button for modded clients
Fixed Modded not seeing commands
Fixed “Plague Bearer” Role
Fixed Mare Role
Fixed Cause Of Deaths
Fixed Settings disappearing when exiting on modded settings
Fixed Modded Players getting vent lightup as crewmate
Fixed Checkmarks defaulting to off
Fixed Bloodlust having two names
Fixed /color not working
Fixed /name not working
Fixed Bodyguard role
Fixed Phantom Role
Fixed Team Visualizer for Desynced Impostors
Fixed Empty space in Standard Options
Fixed Sabotage Options not working
Fixed Hitman winning while dead
Fixed “Plague Bearer” Role
Fixed Mastermind Role
Fixed AutoStart not working if the countdown was 0
Fixed Custom Commands with templates
Fixed Crusader having incorrect vision
Fixed Archangel being broken
Fixed /start crashing game
Fixed Issues where Role Settings weren’t replicating correctly
Fixed Roles not having the same Kill Cooldown round 1
Fixed “Bounty Hunter” having themselves as a target
Fixed Oblivious not being able to call a meeting
Fixed Crusader having incorrect vision
Fixed Sheriff having incorrect vision
Fixed Exile Related Bugs
Fixed grammar mistakes in Translations
Fixed Schrödinger’s Cat copying Crewmate Role if Bloodlust attacked instead
Fixed Vanilla and Modded Settings not scrolling to the bottom correctly
Fixed History Button and /l not removing players from previous games
Fixed Copycat copying Crewmate Role if Bloodlust attacked instead
Fixed Meeting First only sending on the first meeting of the session
Fixed Mafioso preventing other impostors from killing
Fixed Jester not being able to report or call meetings
Fixed Modded Players not seeing Host Commands
Fixed Single Meeting Pool not allowing meetings
Fixed Custom Titles not reloading with CTRL+T
Fixed Egoist not seeing and killing Impostors
Fixed Altruist getting Oblivious and Sleuth
Fixed Disable Task Options not working
Fixed Doctor seeing COD after revival
Fixed Scientist having no settings
Fixed Necromancer not converting first player to Deathknight
Fixed Account Manager being displaced in some places
Fixed Shapeshifted players having regular name
Fixed Addon Roles not being added to Standard
Fixed Witch icons persisting after death
Fixed Executioner winning while dead
Fixed Addons not sending correctly
Fixed Certain Characters crashing the game if a player typed them
Fixed Madmate roles being under Impostor Settings in Guesser
Fixed Certain Options not persisting after game close
Fixed Identity Thief making reports become meetings
Fixed Spectator Mode for GM not working
Fixed Creeper suiciding in meeting
Fixed /dump giving empty file
Fixed Swooper & Chameleon spawning on vent if they were invis during meeting
Fixed Killer knowing Schrodinger Cat’s role if the setting was off
Fixed /l [playerName] not working if the name wasn’t exact
Fixed Killer knowing Copycat’s role if the setting was off
Fixed Investigator only being able to see impostors
Fixed Bodyguard not dying if someone attacked them
Fixed Sheriff only being able to kill impostors
Fixed Guesser not being able to guess anyone
Fixed Retributionist not dying on meeting
Fixed Snitch not detecting Roguecat
Fixed Advanced Role Assignment
Fixed Lotus API
Fixed Bug for modded clients where vent was being highlighted as crewmate
Fixed Executioner’s target not changing if the target left
Fixed /o [rolename] only working in game
Fixed bug with UTC+ timezones
Fixed Plaguebearer not changing to Pestilence if a player disconnected
Fixed Privacy Policy info not saving if edited in settings
Fixed names being displayed as other players
Fixed Rogue not being counted in templates
Fixed Disable Task win defaulting to true
Fixed Bugs with textboxes
Fixed Psychic Role
Fixed Hacker Role
Fixed bug where player cards aren’t grayed out when someone leaves (modded client)
Fixed many bugs with the new Blackscreen resolver
Fixed “Restricted to Crew” not working for Torch
Fixed players only being able to report one bug
Fixed “Plague Bearer” not working as intended
Fixed Confirm Ejects not displaying to host
Fixed Arsonist not working as intended
Fixed bug where Duplicator couldn’t place any clones when position is set to Current
Fixed bug where some options would go to other files causing them not to save
Fixed bug where button text in game options was the last gamemode selected
Fixed bug where alive modded impostors could see role colors of everyone
Fixed bug where map didn’t update with Lilypad using Random Maps
Fixed bug where ColorWars would rarely error on game start
Fixed bug where Random Maps worked on other gamemodes
Fixed bug where Chat Dark Mode wouldn’t save
Fixed Advanced Role Assignment displaying Crewmate if you were impostor
Fixed Colorwars custom teams options always being visible
Fixed players unshifting ~0.1 seconds before meeting
Fixed Freezer staying shifted after meeting
Fixed GM not working correctly
Fixed other small bugs
Fixed Toggle options not loading correctly
Fixed /death not showing exiled players
Fixed Amnesiac not working correctly
Fixed Charmer Status being Visible
Fixed Mad Snitch role
Fixed Workhorse role
Fixed Amnesiac role
Fixed bug with Workhorse
Fixed kicks on Modded Servers
Fixed Witch/Occultist spell tag being removed if you can’t switch freely
Fixed Witch and Occultist icons sticking after death
Fixed FireWorks/Creeper causing meeting to break
Fixed Medium not being able to communicate
Fixed Phantom not working for host correctly
Fixed Titles not working until someone joins
Fixed Assassin and Vigilante being hidden
Fixed Last Resort not being alphabetical
Fixed Indirect kills appearing as suicide
Fixed Option Text escaping boundaries
Fixed Madmate not being alphabetical
Fixed Bug with Role Assignment
Fixed bug where lobby would break if a player joined after the AutoStart Max Time elapsed
Fixed bug where players were not teleported out of vents with Transporter
Fixed bug that allowed players to use colors outside the normal range
Fixed bug where marks where not removed on Witch/Occultist death/dc
Fixed bug where meeting breaks if Blackmailer/blackmailed player dc
Fixed bug where ghosts saw roles even if “Ghost See Info” was off
Fixed modifier symbols not appearing in places they should
Fixed bug where Sniper could kill dead players
Fixed bug where Vulture always ate bodies
Fixed bugs with AutoStart
Known Bugs
Rarely, players may blackscreen at the start of the game or after meeting. The cause of this is usually ping.
Sometimes, Mastermind may still kill you even if you already killed someone else.
Rarely, players may be teleported into walls. The cause of this is usually roles like Escapist where you mark positions too close to walls.
Some Shapeshifter roles, mainly FireWorks, have a bug where they appear as another player.
Rarely when shapeshifting, players might still have their original name.
Spanish translation isn’t fully finished.
For The Future
This release is just a preview of what’s to come—we’re still actively developing new features and improvements.
Here is list of things we plan to include in the future.
Fungle Support (you can apparently play the map right now, but there are issues so please don’t bother reporting)
Updating Modded Client Compatibility
Add Option Shower for Modded
Add more Languages
Add New Roles & Other Content
If you are developer, you can actually add your own content without modifying PL!
We have added support for addons, and you can learn more info at this GitHub Repo!
You can check out addons made by others from the #community-content forum channel.
If you are a translator, you can add languages!
We have a repository dedicated for language files. Check it out if you are interested!