Redid Custom Hats (hats by Piggy B, Shapmaster, mystori_, Pigoletto)
Added Necromancer to Sheriff, Investigator, and Guesser
Prevented Necromancer from getting Rogue
Prevented Altruist from getting Rogue
Prevented Charmer from getting Rogue
Bug Fixes
Added Necromancer to Sheriff, Investigator, and Guesser
Fixed Romantic killing themselves
Fixed Necromancer role
Fixed Deathknight role
Fixed Guesser subrole
Fixed Rogue subrole
Fixed Escort role
Fixed Genie role
Accepted Pull Requests
“Fix wrong Gamemanager serialize” by @nikocat233 (#8)
“Fix incorrect rpc methods” by @nikocat233 (#9)
Known Bugs
Rarely, players may blackscreen at the start of the game or after meeting. The cause of this is usually ping.
Sometimes, Mastermind may still kill you even if you already killed someone else.
Rarely, players may be teleported into walls. The cause of this is usually roles like Escapist where you mark positions too close to walls.
Some Shapeshifter roles, mainly FireWorks, have a bug where they appear as another player.
Rarely when shapeshifting, players might still have their original name.
Romantic’s win-condition may bug out sometimes, meaning the game might not end, or you won’t win with your partner.
Most translations aren’t 100% complete.
For The Future
This release is just a preview of what’s to come—we’re still actively developing new features and improvements.
Here is list of things we plan to include in the future.
Fungle Support (you can apparently play the map right now, but there are issues so please don’t bother reporting)
Updating Modded Client Compatibility
Add Option Shower for Modded
Add more Languages
Add New Roles & Other Content
If you are developer, you can actually add your own content without modifying PL!
We have added support for addons, and you can learn more info at this GitHub Repo!
You can check out addons made by others from the #community-content forum channel.
If you are a translator, you can add languages!
We have a repository dedicated for language files. Check it out if you are interested!
It is recommended you do a fresh install with this update.
Your options are stored in BepInEx/config/Lotus. You can copy and paste them over to save them.