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Capture The Flag

“Capture the Enemies’ flag, without having your own captured!”

Information | Settings | Roles


Capture The Flag is a gamemode in which you must capture the enemies flag. Their flag is usually on the opposite side of the map from where you spawn.

You can use your Pet Button to pick up their flag, and you must make it back to your flag without losing their flag. Once you’re back, you can use your pet button to score a point.


Game DurationHow big should the CW teams be?Time120s
Revive TimeoutThe amount of time until you are revived after being killed.Time5s
Kill CooldownWhat the kill cooldown is for the StrikerTime15s
Can VentWhether players can vent or not.ToggleON
┗ Carrying Can VentWhether the Flag Carrier can vent or not.ToggleON
Carrying Speed MultiplierHow much of a speed boost does the Flag Carrier get?Number1x

Striker (CTF Role)

  • Protect Your Flag!

As the Striker, your mission is to capture the opposing team’s flag.
Use the pet button near the enemy flag to pick it up.

While carrying the flag, all players will see an arrow pointing to your location.
Depending on the host’s settings, you may get a boost/debuff while carrying the flag, or even lose the ability to vent.

If the opposing team attacks you, you’ll be transported back to your flag after a certain amount of time.