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“The Iconic Gamemode from TOHTOR returns! Get rid of all other colors to win!”

Information | Settings | Roles


Colorwars is a gamemode in which you must convert everyone to your color using your kill button. If someone else converts you to their color then you’re on their team now, this continues until there is only one color left.

Optionally, by turning off the Convert Color Mode option, you can make it so all teams must fight to the death.


Team SizeHow big should the CW teams be?Number3
Kill CooldownWhat the kill cooldown is for the PainterTime15s
Grace PeriodWhat the minimum amount of time is before you can kill.Time5s
Prefer Smaller TeamsWhether the game should prefer smaller teams or not.ToggleON
Convert Color ModeWhether killing should kill or convert people to color.ToggleON
Random SpawnWhether people should randomly spawn around the map.ToggleOn
Custom TeamsOption to choose custom teams, player names show below this.ToggleON

Painter (CW Role)

  • Kill the Opposing Colors

As the Painter, your job is to get rid of any characters whom are not your color.
Depending on the host’s settings, this can be done by killing them or converting them to YOUR color.

Good Luck!