Faction: Crewmate
Base: Crewmate or Impostor
Ability: Charm Enemies To Join Your Team.
Indicator/Symbols: Charmed Players Receive Indicator That They’ve Been Charmed
Associated Death Reason: Misfired
Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
The Charmer can use their Pet/Kill button to charm Impostors or Neutral Killers to join the Crewmate’s team. Charmed players will know they’ve been charmed, and lose the ability to kill other players.
If the Charmer tries to charm a Crewmate, they misfire and die.
Note: If the Charmer is set to activate their ability using the Pet button, then the host may decide to require them to do tasks before they can activate their ability. This option is not available if ‘Ability Button’ is set to Kill Button.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Charmer | The probability of the Charmer appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Charmers should spawn | Number | 1 |
Ability Button | Choice between Pet/Kill to activate Charmer’s ability | Toggle | Pet Button |
┗ Tasks Needed For Ability | How many tasks need to be completed to use Charm ability | Number | 0 |
Charming Cooldown | The cooldown of the Charmer’s Charm ability | Time | 60s |
Charmed Players Win With Crew | Whether or not charmed players win with Crewmates | Toggle | ON |
Break Charm On Charmer Death | Whether charmed players remain on the Crewmates team upon the Charmer’s Death | Toggle | ON |
Max Charmed Players | How many players the Charmer can charm onto the Crewmate team | Number | ∞ |