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Faction: Crewmate
Base: Crewmate
Ability: Pick Who To Vote Out
Indicator/Symbols: Counter (During Meetings) Showing Number Of Dictates Before Suicide
Associated Death Reason: Suicide

Idea By: そうくん | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

Three things happen when the Dictator votes for someone in meeting:

  1. They forcibly end the meeting.
  2. The player they voted for is exiled.
  3. Sacrifice themself (they die) if they have no more dictate votes left.

Note: Nothing happens if the dictator skips.

Game Options

DictatorThe probability of the Dictator appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Dictators should spawnNumber1
Number of DictatesHow many times Dictator can use their abilityNumber1
┗ Show Dictate at End of MeetingShows Dictate message at end of meeting (rather than right away)ToggleON
Suicide if Crewmate ExecutedWhether Dictator suicides when executing a CrewmateToggleOFF