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Faction: Crewmate
Base: Crewmate
Ability: Prepare A Location, Then Escape!
Indicator/Symbols: Text Cooldown Displaying Time Until Able to Escape & Until Next Mark

Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎 | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The first time you use your Pet button will mark your current location. After a set cooldown, you can use the Pet button again to teleport back to the location you marked. This will then put the mark ability back on cooldown.

Game Options

Ex-ConvictThe probability of the Ex-Convict appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Ex-Convicts should spawnNumber1
Cooldown After MarkTime you have to wait to teleport after markingTime5s
Cooldown After EscapeTime you have to wait to mark again after teleportingTime40s
Clear Mark After MeetingWhether Ex-Convict’s mark stays after meetingToggleON