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Faction: Crewmate
Base: Crewmate
Ability: Increased Vision
Indicator/Symbols: None

Idea By: TOH | Modified By: Tealeaf/단풍잎 | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

Finish tasks to gain vision. Depending on the host’s options, you may gain a small vision boost upon completing each task, or, a large vision boost when all tasks have been complete.

Game Options

ObserverThe probability of the Observer appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Obervers should spawnNumber1
Slowly Gains VisionWhether the Observer gains vision with each task completedToggleOFF
┗ Vision Gain On Task CompleteThe amount of vision increase the Observer receives for each task they completeMultiplier0.15x
Override Starting VisionOption to manually set the amount of vision the Observer starts withToggleOFF
┗ Starting Vision ModifierHow much vision the Observer has before any tasks are completedMultiplier0.25x
Finished Tasked VisionThe final vision distance Observer has when all tasks are completedMultiplier2.25x
Lights Immunity If Tasks FinishedWhether or not the Observer is immune to Lights Sabotage when all of their tasks are doneToggleON