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Faction: Impostors
Base: Shapeshifter
Ability: Shapeshift Into A Player To Freeze Them In Place
Indicator/Symbols: None

Idea by & Originally Developed by: Discussions | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Freezer can freeze a player in place by shapeshifting into them. The player will be frozen until the Freezer unshapeshifts. The Freezer may kill normally shifted or unshifted.

Game Options

FreezerThe probability of the Freezer appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Freezers should spawnNumber1
Freeze CooldownThe cooldown in which the Freezer can shapeshiftTime30s
Freeze DurationAmount of time that the player is frozen forTime15s
Can VentWhether Freezer can vent or notToggleON