Faction: Impostor
Base: Impostor
Ability: Blind Nearby Players
Indicator/Symbols: None
Idea By: Town of Us Reactivated
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
Use the Pet button to set off a bomb that will blind nearby players in a fixed-distance. It may also blind allied-Impostors depending on host’s settings. During this time the Grenadier may kill undetected.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Grenadier | The probability of the Grenadier appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Grenadiers should spawn | Number | 1 |
Amount of Grenades | How many grenades are granted to the Grenadier | Number | 3 |
Blind Cooldown | The cooldown of the Grenadier’s Pet button | Time | 30s |
Blind Duration | The amount of time that lights are out | Time | 15s |
Blind Effect Radius | The radius of which players are affected by lights out | Number | 1.8 |
Can Blind Allies | Whether or not grenades will blind allies within radius | Toggle | OFF |
Can Vent | Whether or not the Grenadier can vent | Toggle | ON |