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Faction: Impostors
Base: Engineer
Ability: Gain Cash By Completing Tasks
Indicator/Symbols: Counter Showing Number of Bullets (striked-through until a gun is achieved) AND Cash Counter

Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎 | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Mafioso is a unique impostor role, who cannot kill off the bat. Instead the Mafioso must complete tasks in order to gain cash. During meetings, the Mafioso can use their cash to purchase a couple of different items.

Type /o to see how much each item costs. Only items you are able to use/buy will show up in the shop.

Tommy GunAllows the Mafioso to kill (one time purchase)
BulletRequired to use with the Tommy Gun
Bulletproof VestGives the Mafioso one-time use invincibility for next round
Role RevealerAllows the Mafioso to reveal the role of one other player

Game Options

MafiosoThe probability of the Mafioso appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Mafiosos should spawnNumber1
Modify Shop CostsAllows for custom costs for Mafioso ShopToggleOFF
┣ Gun CostThe custom cost of the Tommy GunNumber3
┣ Bullet CostThe custom cost of the bulletNumber0
┣ Vest CostThe custom cost of the bulletproof vestNumber6
┗ Role Revealer CostThe custom cost of the Role RevealerNumber10
Starts Game With GunWhether Mafioso starts with a gun or notToggleOFF
Gun CooldownThe cooldown of the Mafioso’s Tommy GunNumberGlobal
Cash From Reporting BodiesCash received for reporting bodiesNumber2
Refresh Tasks When All CompleteGrants more tasks to Mafioso after completing all previous tasksToggleON

The Global option for Gun cooldown means that this setting will be the same as the kill cooldown in ‘Game Settings’ from vanilla Among Us.