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Faction: Impostor
Base: Impostor
Ability: Invisibility
Indicator/Symbols: None

Idea By: Town of Us Reactivated | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Swooper can turn invisible by jumping into a vent. While invisible, the Swooper can do all normal things (kill, sabotage, vent). Once the invisibility duration ends, the Swooper will be teleported back to the vent that they used to become invisible.

Be careful! Depending on the host’s options you may be revealed when killing another player.

Game Options

SniperThe probability of the Swooper appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Swoopers should spawnNumber6
Invisibility CooldownThe cooldown for the Swooper’s invisibility abilityTime45s
Swooping DurationHow long the Swooper can be invisible forTime10s
Can Be Seen By AlliesWhether Swooper can be seen by other ImpostorsToggleON
Can Vent During CooldownWhether or not the Swooper can vent normally during invisibility cooldownToggleOFF
Remain Invisible On KillAllows Swooper to remain invisible while they killToggleON
Return Location on Invisibility EndWhere the Swooper should return to once their invisibility ends.ToggleCurrent