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Time Thief

Faction: Impostors
Base: Impostor
Ability: Decrease Meeting and Voting Time
Indicator/Symbols: None

Idea By: みぃー | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

For every kill the Time Thief gets, it will reduce the total meeting time by a certain amount. Depending on host’s settings, the meeting time may be restored back to normal once the Time Thief dies.

Game Options

Time ThiefThe probability of the Time Thief appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Time Thieves should spawnNumber1
Meeting Time StolenHow much time is taken off the Meeting Time per killTime25s
Minimum Voting TimeThe lowest amount of time the voting duration can be lowered to.Time10s
Return Stolen Time After DeathWhether the meeting/voting time is reverted to original when Time Thief diesToggleON