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Faction: Impostor
Base: Crewmate
Ability: Kill Nearest Player By Finishing Tasks
Indicator/Symbols: None

Win Condition: Win With Impostors

Idea by Crewpostor | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

Complete a task to instantly kill the player closest to you (even impostors and other killing roles). The Crewpostor wins with Impostors.

Game Options

CrewpostorThe probability of the Crewpostor appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Crewpostors should spawnNumber1
Warp to TargetWhether the Crewpostor warps to target or kills without warpingToggleON
Can Kill AlliesWhether or not the Crewpostor can kill alliesToggleOFF
Refresh Tasks When All CompleteGives the Crewpostor more tasks after finishingToggleON
Override Crewpostor’s TasksOption to customize the Crewpostor’s tasksToggleOFF
┣ Allow Common TasksWhether or not the Crewpostor has Common TasksToggleON
┣ Crewpostor Long TasksHow many long tasks the Crewpostor hasNumber5
┗ Crewpostor Short TasksHow many short tasks the Crewpostor hasNumber6