Faction: Impostors
Base: Crewmate or Engineer
Ability: Finish Tasks To See Impostors and Help Them
Indicator/Symbols: Red Names Showing Impostors
Win Condition: Win With Impostors
Idea By: そうくん
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
The Mad Snitch is an Impostor-sided Crewmate where once they finish all of their tasks, they will be able to see who the Impostors are so that they can help take suspicion off of them. The Impostors cannot tell the Mad Snitch apart from the other Crewmates.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Mad Snitch | The probability of the Mad Snitch appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Mad Snitches should spawn | Number | 1 |
Has Impostor Vision | Whether or not the Mad Snitch has Impostor vision | Toggle | ON |
Can Vent | Whether or not the Mad Snitch can vent | Toggle | ON |
┣ Vent Cooldown | The cooldown in which the Mad Snitch can vent | Time | 20s |
┗ Vent Duration | The duration the Mad Snitch can stay in a vent | Time | 9.5s |
Override Mad Snitch’s Tasks | Option to customize the Mad Snitch’s tasks | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Allow Common Tasks | Whether or not the Mad Snitch has Common Tasks | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Mad Snitch Long Tasks | The amount of Long Tasks the Mad Snitch has | Number | 3 |
┗ Mad Snitch Short Tasks | The amount of Short Tasks the Mad Snitch has | Number | 3 |