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Faction: Neutral Killing
Base: Impostor
Ability: Pass The Bomb (Hot Potato)
Indicator/Symbols: “Holding the Bomb!” Text for Players Holding the Bomb
Associated Death Reason: Bombed

Win Condition: Solo (be the last player alive)

Idea by Aaron Stuart | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The AgiTater can start a deadly game of ‘hot potato’. Use your Kill button to pass a bomb to a player who must pass the bomb to another player before it explodes (may be after a duration or when the next meeting is called).

Players holding the bomb can pass it on by walking by another player, and whoever is holding it will have an indicator text that says ‘Holding the Bomb!’.

Note: If the bomb is set to explode after a duration, the indicator text will turn from green, to yellow, to red as it gets closer to exploding.

Game Options

AgiTaterThe probability of the AgiTater appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many AgiTaters should spawnNumber1
Place Bomb CooldownThe cooldown of the AgiTater’s ability to place bombsNumberGlobal
Explode On MeetingsWhether bombed players explode when a meeting is calledToggleON
Explode After DurationWhether bombed players will explode after a specific amount of time has passedToggleOFF
Explode When Bombed TwiceWhether bombed players will explode if they get a bomb for the second timeToggleOFF
Bombs per RoundHow many bombs can be placed per roundNumber3
Bomb Transfer RateThe time someone needs to be next to a player for the bomb to transferTime1s

The Global option for Place Bomb cooldown means that this setting will be the same as the kill cooldown in ‘Game Settings’ from vanilla Among Us.