Faction: Neutral Passive
Base: Impostor
Ability: Protect Target From Death
Indicator/Symbols: Text Indicator With Target’s Name, Triangle Above Target’s Head
Win Condition: Wins With Their Target’s Team
Idea By: Town of Us Reactivated
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
The Archangel is given a target at the beginning of the game as a text indicator under their name. They can use their Pet button to temporarily protect your their target from certain types of interactions based on the host settings.
The Archangel wins if their target wins (even if the Archangel is dead). If the their target dies, the Archangel may change roles (depending on host’s settings), or they may keep their role and can still win if their target’s team wins (ex. a Crewmate target can still win with Crewmates even if they’re dead).
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Archangel | The probability of the Archangel appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Archangels should spawn | Number | 1 |
Protect Duration | How long the Archangel’s protect ability lasts | Time | 15s |
Protect Cooldown | The cooldown in which the Archangel can protect their target | Time | 30s |
Target Knows They Have an Archangel | Wheter the Target knows they have an Archangel protecting them | Toggle | ON |
Archangel Knows Target Role | Wheter the Archangel knows their target’s role | Toggle | ON |
Role Change When Target Dies | Decides what role the Archangel changes into if their Target dies | Toggle | Jester |
Should Protect Which Interactions | Decides what interactions the Archangel may protect their target from | Toggle | ALL |
┣ Cancel Indirect Interactions | Whether the Archangel can protect their target from indirect interactions (e.g. Bastion vent explode or Arsonist ignite) | Toggle | ON |
┣ Cancel Ranged Interactions | Whether the Archangel can protect their target from Ranged Interactions (e.g. Sniper shot) | Toggle | ON |
┣ Cancel Delayed Interactions | Whether the Archangel can protect their target from Delayed Interactions (e.g. Vampire kill) | Toggle | ON |
┣ Cancel Neutral Interactions | Whether the Archangel can protect their target from Neutral Interactions (e.g. Investigator ability) | Toggle | ON |
┣ Cancel Fatal Interactions | Whether the Archangel can protect their target from Fatal Interactions (any direct kill, e.g. Pickpocket) | Toggle | ON |
┗ Cancel Hostile Interactions | Whether the Archangel can protect their target from Hostile Interactions (any attack that may harm later on, e.g. Arsonist douse) | Toggle | ON |