Faction: Neutral Killing
Base: Impostor
Ability: Convert Roles to the Undead
◎ | ●
(Circle Next to Converted Players’ Names)
Primary Role: Necromancer
Win Condition: Convert All Living Players to the Undead
Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
The Deathknight is a Secondary Role of the Necromancer who must help them convert players to the Undead. Convert players by using your pet button next to them, and then wait for the Necromancer to finish the conversion. (indicated by circle next to their name).
There can only be one Deathknight at a time, and if the Necromancer dies, the Deathknight may become the new Necromancer (depending on hosts’s settings). The Deathknight is assigned by being the first person the Necromancer converts.
Note: These options are found under the Necromancer’s settings when that role is turned on
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Deathknight | Shows the options associated with Deathknight | Toggle | Show |
┣ Can Become Necromancer | Whether the Deathknight becomes the new Necromancer upon death | Toggle | ON |
┣ Influence Cooldown | The cooldown of the Deathknight’s ability to convert players to the Undead | Time | 22.5 |
┣ Influence Range | The distance the Deathknight needs to be from a player to convert them | Number | 1.8 |
┗ Influences Many | Whether the Deathknight can influence many players at once | Toggle | ON |