Faction: Neutral Killing
Base: Shapeshifter or Impostor
Ability: Can See Impostors
Indicator/Symbols: Red Names for Impostors
Win Condition: Solo (be the last player alive)
Idea By: しゅー
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
The Egoist is a neutral killer that can see who the Impostors are, but cannot kill them. Their job is to betray the Impostors and try to get them voted out, while also killing other players to achieve a solo win. Impostors can kill but cannot see that there’s an Egoist.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Egoist | The probability of the Egoist appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Egoists should spawn | Number | 1 |
Egoist is Shapeshifter | Whether the base of Egoist is Shapeshifter | Toggle | ON |
┣ Shapeshift Cooldown | The cooldown of the Egoist’s Shapeshift button | Time | 30s |
┗ Shapeshift Duration | The duration the Egoist can be shifted for | Time | 15s |