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Faction: Neutral Passive
Base: Crewmate
Ability: None
Indicator/Symbols: Text Indicator Displaying Number of Points Out of Maximum to Win

Win Condition: Fix Sabotages to Win

Idea By: The Other Roles | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Hacker must fix sabotages to earn points. Each sabotage fix is equal to one point, and the Hacker needs a certain number of points (determined by host) to win. Like the Repairman, the Hacker can fix sabotages more quickly and by themselves.

Game Options

HackerThe probability of the Hacker appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Hackers should spawnNumber1
Hacker Can VentWhether Hacker can ventToggleON
┣ Vent CooldownThe cooldown in which the Hacker can ventTime40s
┗ Vent DurationThe duration a Hacker can stay in the vent forTime15s
Points Needed to WinThe amount of points needed for the Hacker to winNumber8
Fast Fixes LightsWhether Hacker can fast-fix LightsToggleON
Fast Fixes ReactorWhether Hacker can fast-fix ReactorToggleON
Fast Fixes OxygenWhether Hacker can fast-fix OxygenToggleON
Fast Fixes CommsWhether Hacker can fast-fix CommunicationsToggleON
Fast Fixes DoorsWhether Hacker can fast-fix DoorsToggleON
Fast Fixes Crash CourseWhether Hacker can fast-fix Crash CourseToggleON
Fixing Doors Gives PointsWhether fixing doors gives pointsToggleOFF