Faction: Neutral Passive
Base: Crewmate/Engineer
Ability: Options For Impostor Abilities (Venting & Impostor Vision)
Indicator/Symbols: None
Win Condition: Get Voted Off
Idea By: libhalt
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
The Jester needs to be voted out to win. If the Jester is voted out the game will immediately end with them as the winner. Depending on the host’s settings, Jester may not be able to call meetings, or may need a minimum amount of meetings before they can win.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Jester | The probability of the Jester appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Jesters should spawn | Number | 1 |
Has Impostor Vision | Whether Jester has Impostor vision or not | Toggle | ON |
Can Use Vents | Whether Jester can use vents or not | Toggle | ON |
Can’t Call Emergency Meetings | Whether Jester can call Emergency Meetings | Toggle | OFF |
Minimum Meetings Before Ability To Win | How meetings must pass before Jester can win | Number | 0 |