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Faction: Neutral Killing
Base: Impostor
Ability: Convert Roles to the Undead
Indicator/Symbols: ◎ | ● (Circle Next to Converted Players’ Names)
Secondary Role: Deathknight

Win Condition: Convert All Living Players to the Undead

Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎 | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Necromancer is the main recruiter for the Undead faction. The first person it recruits (uses Kill button on) will become a Deathknight. With the help of the Deathknight, they must work together to convert others to the Undead.

The Necromancer can convert people by using their kill button on someone who the Deathknight has already started converting. Converted/partially-converted players will have a circle next to their name. A full circle indicates full conversion.

Game Options

NecromancerThe probability of the Necromancer appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Necromancers should spawnNumber1
Convert CooldownThe cooldown of the Necromancer’s Kill buttonTime60s
Immune to Partially ConvertedWhether the Necromancer is immune to attacks from partially-converted playersToggleON