Faction: Neutral Killing
Base: Impostor
Ability: Hex Players
Indicator/Symbols: Red † On Hexed Players
Associated Death Reason: Hexed
Win Condition: Solo (be the last player alive)
Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
The Occultist’s Kill/Hex Button alternates between hexing and killing players. Players will who are hexed by the Occultist will be seen with a cross during the meeting. If the Occultist is not voted off during this meeting, the hexed player dies. Regular kill self-reports Bait. Hex does not self-report Bait.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Occultist | The probability of the Occultist appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Occultists should spawn | Number | 1 |
Freely Switch Modes | Whether Occultist can freely switch between Hex & Kill | Toggle | ON |
Switch Modes After Attack | Whether Hex/Kill mode alternates with each attack | Toggle | ON |