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Faction: Neutral Passive
Base: Crewmate
Ability: Unkillable & Cannot Be Voted Out Until Last Few Tasks
Indicator/Symbols: Purple ⚠ by Taskrunner’s Name To Signal They Are Almost Done With Tasks
Previously Named: Phantom

Win Condition: Complete Tasks To Win

Idea By: Town of Us Reactivated | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Taskrunner must complete all of their tasks to win. They cannot die until a set number of tasks (depending on host’s settings) have been completed.

When the Taskrunner is close to finishing all their tasks, everyone gets an arrow pointing straight toward them and the Taskrunner will have a ”⚠” indicator next to their name. Kill the Taskrunner before they finish tasks to stop them. The Taskrunner cannot be voted out at any time, they must be killed.

Game Options

TaskrunnerThe probability of the Taskrunner appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Taskrunners should spawnNumber1
Immune to Range InteractionsWhether the Taskrunner is immune to ranged attacks (e.g. Sniper)Number1
Remaining Task WarningThe amount of remaining tasks that will trigger an alert to killers (arrow pointing to Taskrunner)Number1
Remaining Tasks for TargetabilityThe amount of remaining tasks that will allow the Taskrunner to be targeted (i.e. killed/interacted with)Number1
Override Taskrunner’s TasksOptions to manually set the Taskrunner’s tasksToggleOFF
┣ Allow Common TasksWhether the Taskrunner will receive Common TasksToggleON
┣ Taskrunner Long TasksHow many Long Tasks will be assigned to the TaskrunnerNumber5
┗ Taskrunner Short TasksHow many Short Tasks will be assigned to the TaskrunnerNumber6