Faction: Neutral Passive
Base: Engineer
Ability: None
Indicator/Symbols: None
Win Condition: Finish All Tasks, Then Die
Idea by Foolers Mod
| First seen in Lotus v1.0
Finish all tasks and get killed to win. The Terrorist can also be voted out to win depending on host’s settings.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Terrorist | The probability of the Terrorist appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Terrorists should spawn | Number | 1 |
Can Win By Suicide | Whether the Terrorist can win by suicide* | Toggle | OFF |
Override Terrorist’s Tasks | Options to manually set the Terrorist’s tasks | Toggle | OFF |
┣ Allow Common Tasks | Whether the Terrorist will receive Common tasks | ON/OFF | ON |
┣ Terrorist Long Tasks | How many Long Tasks will be assigned to the Terrorist | Number | 5 |
┗ Terroris Short Tasks | How many Short Tasks will be assigned to the Terrorist | Number | 6 |
Can Win By Exile | Whether the Terrorist can win by being voted out | Toggle | ON |
*Note: A kill is considered a suicide when a player is seen killing themselves on the kill-screen. This may include AgiTater bomb exploding, or being sniped by a Sniper among others.