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Faction: Neutral Passive
Base: Engineer
Ability: None
Indicator/Symbols: None

Win Condition: Finish All Tasks, Then Die

Idea by Foolers Mod | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

Finish all tasks and get killed to win. The Terrorist can also be voted out to win depending on host’s settings.

Game Options

TerroristThe probability of the Terrorist appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Terrorists should spawnNumber1
Can Win By SuicideWhether the Terrorist can win by suicide*ToggleOFF
Override Terrorist’s TasksOptions to manually set the Terrorist’s tasksToggleOFF
┣ Allow Common TasksWhether the Terrorist will receive Common tasksON/OFFON
┣ Terrorist Long TasksHow many Long Tasks will be assigned to the TerroristNumber5
┗ Terroris Short TasksHow many Short Tasks will be assigned to the TerroristNumber6
Can Win By ExileWhether the Terrorist can win by being voted outToggleON

*Note: A kill is considered a suicide when a player is seen killing themselves on the kill-screen. This may include AgiTater bomb exploding, or being sniped by a Sniper among others.