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Faction: Neutral Passive
Base: Crewmate
Ability: Can Make Bodies Unreportable
Indicator/Symbols: Text Indicator Displaying Current Mode, Arrows Pointing to Dead Bodies

Win Condition: Eat Bodies To Win

Idea By: Goose Goose Duck | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

Use the Report button to eat dead bodies and make them unreportable. The Vulture can switch between eating bodies and reporting them using the Pet button. The Vulture wins when they’ve eaten a set amount of bodies, and they may also have an arrow pointing to dead bodies if enabled by host.

Game Options

VultureThe probability of the Vulture appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Vulture should spawnNumber1
Required BodiesAmount of bodies needed for solo winNumber3
Has Impostor VisionWhether the Vulture has Impostor visionToggleON
Can Switch Between Eat & ReportWhether the Vulture has the ability to report dead bodiesToggleON
Can Use VentsWhether the Vulture can use ventsToggleON
Has Arrows to BodiesWhether the Vulture has arrows to dead bodiesToggleON