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Last Resort

Indicator: Dark Sky Blue »

Idea By: Pumpkin | First seen in Lotus v1.1

Role Description

As the Last Resort, you can vote yourself to gain extra votes for the rest of the match. This vote is canceled and you are able to vote anyone else after this. The drawback is that your role is now revealed to the public for everyone to see.

Game Options

Last ResortThe probability of the Last Resort modifier appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Last Resort modifiers should spawnNumber1
Restricted to CrewmatesWhether the Last Resort modifier is restricted to CrewmatesToggleOFF
Restricted to Compatible RolesWhether the Last Resort modifier is restricted to compatible rolesToggleON
Additional VotesHow many additional votes the Last Resort hasNumber1

*Note: Incompatible roles are roles that might create conflict between the role-ability and the Last-Resort modifier. For example, if a role’s ability requires you to choose a target by voting for them (e.g Oracle), then they would be considered incompatible with Last-Resort.