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Indicator: Gradient Role Name
Previously Named: Bloodlust

Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎 | First seen in Lotus v1.0 (Bloodlust)

Role Description

The Rogue modifier allows the user to keep the ability of their role, while also giving them the ability to kill. Kill all other players to win. If a Crewmate or Impostor has the Rogue modifier, they will not win with with their respective teams.

Game Options

RogueThe probability of the Rogue modifier appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Rogue modifiers should spawnNumber1
Restricted to CrewmatesWhether the Rogue modifier is restricted to CrewmatesToggleOFF
Restricted to Compatible RolesWhether the Rogue modifier is restricted to compatible* rolesToggleON

*Note: Incompatible roles are roles that might create conflict between the role-ability and the Rogue modifier. For example, if a role’s ability relies on doing tasks (e.g.Snitch or Taskrunner), or relies on their Kill button for something other than killing (e.g. Crusader), then they would be considered incompatible with Rogue.