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First Title

Welcome to the guide of making your First Project: Lotus Title!
  • Note: If you don’t want to make titles manually, you can check out our official title creator here.

To start, go to your Among Us/LOTUS_DATA/Titles folder. This is where all your titles are stored.

You SHOULD have a file named friendcode#0000.yaml in the folder, if not then it’s fine.

Either make a new file named *yourfriendcode*#*numbers* or rename the existing file to that.

  • If you don’t know how to get your friendcode, open your Among Us and go to your “My Account”, it should be there.

Inside the file, it should have this structure.

Text: # This is the text that goes above your username
Gradient: # Creates a gradient FROM Color 1 to Color 2 automatically
Size: # Default AU size is 2
Name: # This is the size and color/gradient attributed to your username. Leave this line blank and fill in the options below
Gradient: # Creates a gradient from Color 1 to Color 2 automatically. For gradient enter "[hex 1], [hex 2]" (refer to examples above)
Size: # Default AU size is 2
Prefix: # This is the size, color, and text that goes before your username. Leave this line blank and fill in the options below
Spaced: # This field is either True or False and used if there should be a space between the Suffix and the player's username (example: ♥ Lilypad)
Text: # Add the text you'd like to go before your username here
Color: # Add the hex code that you'd like the prefix to be here
Size: # Default AU size is 2
Suffix: # This is the size, color, and text that goes after your username. Leave this line blank and fill in the options below
Spaced: # This field is either True or False and used if there should be a space between the Suffix and the player's username (example: Lilypad ♥)
Text: # Add the text you'd like to go before your username here
Color: # Add the hex code that you'd like the prefix to be here
Size: # Default AU size is 2
Text: # This is the text that goes below your username
Gradient: # Creates a gradient FROM Color 1 to Color 2 automatically
Size: # Default AU size is 2

Note: # are comments, they aren’t included in your tag.

  • You can copy that for any new Titles you want to make.

Making your First Title

Now that you have your file setup, lets begin.

Fill out all the details above, here’s some extra details.

  • Gradient: "(colors)" you must supply at LEAST two hex codes to make a gradient, like below.

    • Gradient: " #3BCFD4, #FC9305, #F20094"
  • You can supply one color if you wish for that part of your title to be a single colour.

  • Text: "string" You must supply what you want that part of the title to say. For Example.

    • `Text: “Tipsy”
    • Note, for the UpperText tag, you are able to add certain emojis to this. Ex: `♥ Tipsy ♥“
      • For your name though, if you want to add emojis it’s recommended to use the Prefix and Suffix tags.
  • Spaced: (True|False) This key is used exclusively for the Suffix and Prefix elements. They determine if the Prefix/Suffix have spaces before/after the player’s name.

    • Spaced: True = ♥ Tipsy ♥
    • Spaced: False = ♥Tipsy♥

Hope this helps you make your Titles, have fun hosting/playing!



Resources/Usable Emojis