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Faction: Crewmate
Base: Crewmate
Ability: Counterattacks Players’ Interactions
Indicator/Symbols: ”♣” Indicator While Veteran is on Alert
Associated Death Reason: Parried

Idea By: Town of Us Reactivated | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Veteran can use their Pet button to put themselves on ‘Alert’. When a player interacts with the Veteran while they are on Alert, the attack will be parried resulting in the attacker’s death.

Game Options

VeteranThe probability of the Veteran appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Veterans should spawnNumber1
Number of AlertsHow many times the Veteran can AlertNumber10
Alert CooldownThe cooldown for the Veteran’s Alert abilityTime15s
Alert DurationThe amount of time the Veteran is Alerted forTime3.5s
Kill CrewmatesWhether the Veteran can kill Crewmates or not (ex. Investigator)ToggleON
Kill While TransportedWether the Veteran can kill the player they’re transported withToggleON
Kill Ranged AttackersWhether the Veteran can kill Ranged Attackers (e.g. Crewpostor)ToggleON