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Faction: Crewmate
Base: Impostor/Crewmate
Ability: Can Shoot Impostors
Indicator/Symbols: Counter Showing Number of Bullets
Associated Death Reason: Misfired

Idea By: Woodi-dev | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Sheriff can kill Impostors and Neutrals. Be Careful! The Sheriff will misfire (kill themselves) if they try to shoot a Crewmate or a Neutral not allowed by host.

Note: If the Sheriff’s ‘Action Button’ is set to Kill, the Sheriff will not be given any tasks to complete.

Game Options

SheriffThe probability of the Sheriff appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Sheriffs should spawnNumber1
Kill Target On MisfireWhether Sheriff will kill their target when misfiringToggleOFF
Kill CooldownThe cooldown in which the Sheriff can killTime25s
Total ShotsThe total amount of shots (kills) the Sheriff can makeNumber5
One Shot Per RoundWhether or not the Sheriff can only kill once per roundToggleON
Sheriff Action ButtonWhether to use the Kill or Pet button for the Sheriff to killToggleKill Button (Legacy)

Note: “Can Kill (Faction)” main setting is by default Off.

Can Kill Neutral Killing - Whether the Sheriff is able to kill Neutral Killers
xWhether the Sheriff is able to kill Neutral KillersToggleDefault - OFF
┣ AgiTaterWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the AgiTaterToggleON
┣ ArsonistWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the ArsonistToggleON
┣ Blood KnightWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the Blood KnightToggleON
┣ DemonWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the DemonToggleON
┣ EgoistWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the EgoistToggleON
┣ The GlitchWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the The GlitchToggleON
┣ HitmanWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the HitmanToggleON
┣ JackalWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the JackalToggleON
┣ JuggernautWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the JuggernautToggleON
┣ MarksmanWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the MarksmanToggleON
┣ OccultistWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the OccultistToggleON
┣ PelicanWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the PelicanToggleON
┣ Plague BearerWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the Plague BearerToggleON
┣ RetributionistWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the RetributionistToggleON
┗ WerewolfWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the WerewolfToggleON
Can Kill Neutral Passive - Whether the Sheriff is able to kill Neutral Passives
xWhether the Sheriff is able to kill Neutral PassivesToggleDefault: OFF
┣ AmalgamationWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the AmalgamationToggleOFF
┣ AmnesiacWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the AmnesiacToggleOFF
┣ ArchangelWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the ArchangelToggleOFF
┣ CopycatWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the CopycatToggleOFF
┣ ExecutionerWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the ExecutionerToggleOFF
┣ HackerWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the HackerToggleOFF
┣ JesterWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the JesterToggleOFF
┣ OpportunistWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the OpportunistToggleOFF
┣ PirateWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the PirateToggleOFF
┣ PostmanWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the PostmanToggleOFF
┣ Schrödinger’s CatWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the Schrödinger’s CatToggleOFF
┣ SurvivorWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the SurvivorToggleOFF
┣ TaskrunnerWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the TaskrunnerToggleOFF
┣ TerroristWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the TerroristToggleOFF
┗ VultureWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the VultureToggleOFF
Can Kill Madmates - Whether the Sheriff is able to kill Madmates
xWhether the Sheriff is able to kill MadmatesToggleDefault: OFF
┣ CrewpostorWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the CrewpostorToggleON
┣ Mad GuardianWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the Mad GuardianToggleON
┣ MadmateWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the MadmateToggleON
┣ Mad SnitchWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the Mad SnitchToggleON
┗ ParasiteWhether the Sheriff is able to kill the ParasiteToggleON