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Indicator: Pink ♥
Secondary Modifiers: Vengeful Romantic and Ruthless Romantic

Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎 | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

During the first meeting of the game, the Romantic MUST vote a player to become their partner (otherwise they’ll die). Once a partner has been chosen, the Romantic can use their Pet Button to temporarily grant a shield to their partner.

If their partner dies, the Romantic will transform into either the Vengeful Romantic or the Ruthless Romantic depending on host’s settings.

The Romantic may win with, or without their partner (only as a solo win) depending on the host’s settings.

Game Options

RomanticThe probability of the Romantic modifier appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Romantic modifiers should spawnNumber1
Restricted to CrewmatesWhether the Romantic modifier is restricted to CrewmatesToggleOFF
Notify Target of RomanticWhether the Romantic’s target is notified of becoming their partnerToggleON
Protection CooldownThe cooldown of the Romantic’s shieldTime30s
Protection DurationThe duration of the Romantic’s shieldTime5s
Partner Can Win With RomanticAllows Romantic to win with their base-role win condition, and their partner can win with themToggleON
┗ Cancel Game Win if Solo WinnerIf the Romantic wins alone (e.g. as Jester) then the win is cancelledToggleOFF

Note: If ‘Cancel Game Win if Solo Winner’ is on, the Romantic can only win with their partners win condition. If both ‘Partner Can Win With Romantic’ and ‘Cancel Game Win if Solo Winner’ are off, then the Romantic can win alone with their role-base condition or their partner’s.

If there is more than one winner with the Romantic (e.g. Romantic is a Crewmate and Crewmates won) and their partner is not one of the winners, then the Romantic will be removed from the winner’s list regardless of if ‘Cancel Game Win if Solo Winner’ is on or off (and ‘Partner Can Win With Romantic’ is off).