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Ruthless Romantic

Indicators: Dark Purple ♥
Primary Modifier: Romantic
Other Variation: Vengeful Romantic

Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎 | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Ruthless Romantic is assigned to players who had the Romantic modifier and their romantic partner was killed. They act as a normal neutral killer, winning by themselves. If player of this role was originally a Crewmate, the Pet button functions as their Kill button with a CD: Xs indicator for kill cooldown.

Game Options

Note: These options are found under the Romantic’s settings when that modifier is turned on

Ruthless RomanticThe probability of the Ruthless Romantic modifier showing in place of the Vengeful RomanticPercentage0%
Kill CooldownThe cooldown in which the Ruthless Romantic can killTimeGlobal