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Vengeful Romantic

Indicator: Dark Red ♥
Primary Modifier: Romantic
__Other Variation: Ruthless Romantic

Original Role & Idea by Tealeaf/단풍잎 | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

The Vengeful Romantic is assigned to players who had the Romantic modifier and their romantic partner was killed. Their goal is to now hunt down their partner’s killer and to kill them. The Vengeful Romantic may use either their Pet Button or Kill Button (if they have one) to kill another player, but if they target an innocent player, the Vengeful Romantic will die from misfire. After successfully avenging their partner, the Vengeful Romantic regains its normal win with their base-role.

Game Options

Note: These options are found under the Romantic’s settings when that modifier is turned on

Vengeful RomanticShows the options associated with Vengeful RomanticToggleShow
┣ Can Kill BystandersWhether the Vengeful Romantic’s attack kills a player that is not their partner’s killerToggleOFF
┣ Arrow To KillerWhether the Vengeful Romantic has arrows pointing to their partner’s killerToggleOFF
┗ Suicide After RevengeWhether the Vengeful Romantic dies after avenging their partner’s deathToggleOFF