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Faction: Crewmates
Base: Crewmate
Ability: Investigate Roles
Indicator/Symbols: Player’s Name Color Changes Based On “Good” or “Bad”

Idea By: Town of Us Reactivated (Seer) | First seen in Lotus v1.0

Role Description

Use the Pet button to investigate if the player is good or bad. Investigated player’s names will show as either green or red. In general, red is bad and green is good. Be careful, some Crewmate-sided roles (ex. Sheriff) might show up as bad!

Note: Players with the Rogue modifier will be judged based on their main role. Ex. Doctor with the Rogue modifier will show up as green, but a Vampire with the Rogue modifier will show up as red.

Red = Bad

  • Impostors (always)
  • Neutral Killing (predetermined by host)
  • Neutral Passive (predetermined by host)
  • Crewmate Killing (predetermined by host)
  • Madmate (predetermined by host)

Green = Good

  • Crewmates (always)
  • Neutral Killing (predetermined by host)
  • Neutral Passive (predetermined by host)
  • Crewmate Killing (predetermined by host)
  • Madmate (predetermined by host)

Game Options

InvestigatorThe probability of the Investigator appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Investigators should spawnNumber1
Investigate CooldownThe cooldown of the Investigator’s investigate abilityTime27.5s

Note: “(Faction) are red” main setting is by default Off.

Neutral Killing are Red - Whether Neutral Killing roles appear red when investigated
Main SettingWhether Neutral Killing roles appear red when investigatedToggleDefault - OFF
┣ AgiTaterWhether the AgiTater will show a red name when investiagtedToggleEnabled
┣ ArsonistWhether the Arsonist will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ Blood KnightWhether the Blood Knight will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ DemonWhether the Demon will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ EgoistWhether the Egoist will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ The GlitchWhether the The Glitch will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ HitmanWhether the Hitman will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ JackalWhether the Jackal will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ JuggernautWhether the Juggernaut will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ MarksmanWhether the Marksman will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ OccultistWhether the Occultist will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ PelicanWhether the Pelican will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ Plague BearerWhether the Plague Bearer will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ RetributionistWhether the Retributionist will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┗ WerewolfWhether the Werewolf will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
Neutral Passive are Red - Whether Neutral Passive roles appear red when investigated
Main SettingWhether Neutral Passive roles appear red when investigatedToggleDefault - OFF
┣ AmalgamationWhether the Amalgamation will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ AmnesiacWhether the Amnesiac will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ ArchangelWhether the Archangel will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ CopycatWhether the Copycat will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ ExecutionerWhether the Executioner will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ HackerWhether the Hacker will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ JesterWhether the Jester will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ OpportunistWhether the Opportunist will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ PirateWhether the Pirate will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ PostmanWhether the Postman will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ Schrödinger’s CatWhether the Schrödinger’s Cat will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ SurvivorWhether the Survivor will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ TaskrunnerWhether the Taskrunner will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ TerroristWhether the Terrorist will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┗ VultureWhether the Vulture will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
Madmates are Red - Whether Madmate roles appear red when investigated
Main SettingWhether Madmate roles appear red when investigatedToggleDefault - OFF
┣ CrewpostorWhether the Crewpostor will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ Mad GuardianWhether the Mad Guardian will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ MadmateWhether the Madmate will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┣ Mad SnitchWhether the Mad Snitch will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled
┗ ParasiteWhether the Parasite will show a red name when investigatedToggleEnabled