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Indicator: Dark Yellow ⌘

Idea By: Town of Us Reactivated | First seen in Lotus v1.1

Role Description

Grants any role the ability to guess players’ roles to eliminate them. If the Guesser is able to successfully guess a player’s role, then that player will be elimianted.

While in meeting, the Guesser can select a player they want to guess by voting for them. They can then try to guess that player’s role by using the /r [role] command (e.g. /r Vampire) in the chat.

If the Guesser correctly guesses both the player and their role, then that player will die. If the Guesser misguesseses they will suicide. To skip guessing, you may skip first before voting for a player.

Game Options

GuesserThe probability of the Guesser modifier appearingPercentage0%
MaximumHow many Guesser modifiers should spawnNumber1
Restricted to Non Vote-Related RolesWhether Guesser should be Restricted to non vote-related roles (ex. Medic)ToggleON
Guesses per MeetingThe amount of guesses the Guesser has per meetingNumber1
Can Guess TeammatesWhether the Guesser can guess their own team or notToggleOFF
Impostors Faction Max GuessersThe maximum number of Guessers that can be applied to the Impostor teamNumber0
Crewmates Faction Max GuessersThe maximum number of Guessers that can be applied to the Crewmate teamNumber0
Neutrals Faction Max GuessersThe maximum number of Guessers that can be applied to Neutral rolesNumber0
The Undead Faction Max GuessersThe maximum number of Guessers that can be applied to the Undead teamNumber0

title: Table of Contents description: ‘An Introduction to the Project: Lotus Mod.’ tableOfContents: false

Can Guess Impostors - Whether the Guesser can guess Impostor roles
Can Guess ImpostorsWhether the Guesser can guess Impostor rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ AssassinWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AssassinToggleON
┣ BlackmailerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the BlackmailerToggleON
┣ Bounty HunterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Bounty HunterToggleON
┣ CamouflagerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CamouflagerToggleON
┣ ConsortWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ConsortToggleON
┣ CreeperWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CreeperToggleON
┣ DisperserWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DisperserToggleON
┣ EscapistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the EscapistToggleON
┣ FireWorksWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the FireWorksToggleON
┣ GrenadierWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the GrenadierToggleON
┣ Identity ThiefWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Identity ThiefToggleON
┣ ImpostorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as a vanilla ImpostorToggleON
┣ JanitorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the JanitorToggleON
┣ MafiosoWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MafiosoToggleON
┣ MareWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MareToggleON
┣ MastermindWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MastermindToggleON
┣ MinerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MinerToggleON
┣ NinjaWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the NinjaToggleON
┣ PhantomWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PhantomToggleON
┣ PickpocketWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PickpocketToggleON
┣ PuppeteerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PuppeteerToggleON
┣ Serial KillerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Serial KillerToggleON
┣ ShapeshifterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ShapeshifterToggleON
┣ SniperWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SniperToggleON
┣ SwooperWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SwooperToggleON
┣ Time ThiefWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Time ThiefToggleON
┣ VampireWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the VampireToggleON
┣ WarlockWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the WarlockToggleON
┣ WitchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the WitchToggleON
┗ Yin YangerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Yin YangerToggleON
Can Guess Madmates - Whether the Guesser can guess Madmate roles
Can Guess MadmatesWhether the Guesser can guess Madmate rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ CrewpostorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CrewpostorToggleON
┣ Mad GuardianWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mad GuardianToggleON
┣ Mad SnitchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mad SnitchToggleON
┣ MadmateWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MadmateToggleON
┗ ParasiteWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ParasiteToggleON
Can Guess Crewmates - Whether the Guesser can guess Crewmate roles
Can Guess CrewmatesWhether the Guesser can guess Crewmate rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ AlchemistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AlchemistToggleON
┣ AltruistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AltruistToggleON
┣ BastionWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the BastionToggleON
┣ BodyguardWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the BodyguardToggleON
┣ ChameleonWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ChameleonToggleON
┣ CharmerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CharmerToggleON
┣ CrewmateWhether the Guesser can guess a player as a vanilla CrewmateToggleON
┣ CrusaderWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CrusaderToggleON
┣ DemolitionistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DemolitionistToggleON
┣ DictatorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DictatorToggleON
┣ DoctorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DoctorToggleON
┣ EngineerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the EngineerToggleON
┣ EscortWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the EscortToggleON
┣ Ex-ConvictWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Ex-ConvictToggleON
┣ HerbalistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the HerbalistToggleON
┣ InvestigatorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the InvestigatorToggleON
┣ MayorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MayorToggleON
┣ MedicWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MedicToggleON
┣ MediumWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MediumToggleON
┣ MysticWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MysticToggleON
┣ NoisemakerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the NoisemakerToggleON
┣ ObserverWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ObserverToggleON
┣ OracleWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the OracleToggleON
┣ PsychicWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PsychicToggleON
┣ RepairmanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the RepairmanToggleON
┣ ScientistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ScientistToggleON
┣ SheriffWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SheriffToggleON
┣ SnitchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SnitchToggleON
┣ SpeedrunnerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SpeedrunnerToggleON
┣ SwapperWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SwapperToggleON
┣ TrackerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TrackerToggleON
┣ TransporterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TransporterToggleON
┣ TrapsterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TrapsterToggleON
┣ VeteranWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the VeteranToggleON
┣ VigilanteWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the VigilanteToggleON
Can Guess Neutral Killing - Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Killing roles
Can Guess Neutral KillingWhether the Guesser can guess Neutral Killing rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ AgiTaterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AgiTaterToggleON
┣ ArsonistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ArsonistToggleON
┣ Blood KnightWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Blood KnightToggleON
┣ DemonWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DemonToggleON
┣ EgoistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the EgoistToggleON
┣ The GlitchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the The GlitchToggleON
┣ HitmanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the HitmanToggleON
┣ JackalWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the JackalToggleON
┣ JuggernautWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the JuggernautToggleON
┣ MarksmanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MarksmanToggleON
┣ OccultistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the OccultistToggleON
┣ PelicanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PelicanToggleON
┣ Plague BearerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Plague BearerToggleON
┣ RetributionistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the RetributionistToggleON
┣ WerewolfWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the WerewolfToggleON
Can Guess Neutral Passive - Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Passive roles
Can Guess Neutral PassiveWhether the Guesser can guess Neutral Passive rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ AmalgamationWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AmalgamationToggleON
┣ AmnesiacWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AmnesiacToggleON
┣ ArchangelWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ArchangelToggleON
┣ CopycatWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CopycatToggleON
┣ ExecutionerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ExecutionerToggleON
┣ HackerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the HackerToggleON
┣ JesterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the JesterToggleON
┣ OpportunistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the OpportunistToggleON
┣ PirateWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PirateToggleON
┣ PostmanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PostmanToggleON
┣ Schrödinger’s CatWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Schrödinger’s CatToggleON
┣ SurvivorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SurvivorToggleON
┣ TaskrunnerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TaskrunnerToggleON
┣ TerroristWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TerroristToggleON
┣ VultureWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the VultureToggleON
Can Guess Subroles - Whether the Guesser can guess modifiers/subroles
Can Guess SubrolesWhether the Guesser can guess modifiers/subrolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ BaitWhether the Guesser can guess a player as BaitToggleON
┣ BewilderWhether the Guesser can guess a player as BewilderToggleON
┣ DeadlyWhether the Guesser can guess a player as DeadlyToggleON
┣ DiseadedWhether the Guesser can guess a player as DiseasedToggleON
┣ FlashWhether the Guesser can guess a player as FlashToggleON
┣ GuesserWhether the Guesser can guess a player as GuesserToggleON
┣ Last ResortWhether the Guesser can guess a player as Last ResortToggleON
┣ NimbleWhether the Guesser can guess a player as NimbleToggleON
┣ ObliviousWhether the Guesser can guess a player as ObliviousToggleON
┣ RogueWhether the Guesser can guess a player as RogueToggleON
┣ RomanticWhether the Guesser can guess a player as RomanticToggleON
┣ SleuthWhether the Guesser can guess a player as SleuthToggleON
┣ TiebreakerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as TiebreakerToggleON
┣ TorchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as TorchToggleON
┣ UnstoppableWhether the Guesser can guess a player as UnstoppableToggleON
┣ WatcherWhether the Guesser can guess a player as WatcherToggleON
┣ WorkhorseWhether the Guesser can guess a player as workhorseToggleON

title: Table of Contents description: ‘An Introduction to the Project: Lotus Mod.’ tableOfContents: false

Can Guess Impostors - Whether the Guesser can guess Impostor roles
Can Guess ImpostorsWhether the Guesser can guess Impostor rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ AssassinWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AssassinToggleON
┣ BlackmailerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the BlackmailerToggleON
┣ Bounty HunterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Bounty HunterToggleON
┣ CamouflagerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CamouflagerToggleON
┣ ConsortWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ConsortToggleON
┣ CreeperWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CreeperToggleON
┣ DisperserWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DisperserToggleON
┣ EscapistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the EscapistToggleON
┣ FireWorksWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the FireWorksToggleON
┣ GrenadierWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the GrenadierToggleON
┣ Identity ThiefWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Identity ThiefToggleON
┣ ImpostorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as a vanilla ImpostorToggleON
┣ JanitorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the JanitorToggleON
┣ MafiosoWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MafiosoToggleON
┣ MareWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MareToggleON
┣ MastermindWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MastermindToggleON
┣ MinerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MinerToggleON
┣ NinjaWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the NinjaToggleON
┣ PhantomWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PhantomToggleON
┣ PickpocketWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PickpocketToggleON
┣ PuppeteerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PuppeteerToggleON
┣ Serial KillerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Serial KillerToggleON
┣ ShapeshifterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ShapeshifterToggleON
┣ SniperWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SniperToggleON
┣ SwooperWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SwooperToggleON
┣ Time ThiefWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Time ThiefToggleON
┣ VampireWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the VampireToggleON
┣ WarlockWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the WarlockToggleON
┣ WitchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the WitchToggleON
┗ Yin YangerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Yin YangerToggleON
Can Guess Madmates - Whether the Guesser can guess Madmate roles
Can Guess MadmatesWhether the Guesser can guess Madmate rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ CrewpostorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CrewpostorToggleON
┣ Mad GuardianWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mad GuardianToggleON
┣ Mad SnitchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mad SnitchToggleON
┣ MadmateWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MadmateToggleON
┗ ParasiteWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ParasiteToggleON
Can Guess Crewmates - Whether the Guesser can guess Crewmate roles
Can Guess CrewmatesWhether the Guesser can guess Crewmate rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ AlchemistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AlchemistToggleON
┣ AltruistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AltruistToggleON
┣ BastionWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the BastionToggleON
┣ BodyguardWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the BodyguardToggleON
┣ ChameleonWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ChameleonToggleON
┣ CharmerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CharmerToggleON
┣ CrewmateWhether the Guesser can guess a player as a vanilla CrewmateToggleON
┣ CrusaderWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CrusaderToggleON
┣ DemolitionistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DemolitionistToggleON
┣ DictatorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DictatorToggleON
┣ DoctorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DoctorToggleON
┣ EngineerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the EngineerToggleON
┣ EscortWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the EscortToggleON
┣ Ex-ConvictWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Ex-ConvictToggleON
┣ HerbalistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the HerbalistToggleON
┣ InvestigatorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the InvestigatorToggleON
┣ MayorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MayorToggleON
┣ MedicWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MedicToggleON
┣ MediumWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MediumToggleON
┣ MysticWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MysticToggleON
┣ NoisemakerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the NoisemakerToggleON
┣ ObserverWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ObserverToggleON
┣ OracleWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the OracleToggleON
┣ PsychicWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PsychicToggleON
┣ RepairmanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the RepairmanToggleON
┣ ScientistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ScientistToggleON
┣ SheriffWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SheriffToggleON
┣ SnitchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SnitchToggleON
┣ SpeedrunnerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SpeedrunnerToggleON
┣ SwapperWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SwapperToggleON
┣ TrackerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TrackerToggleON
┣ TransporterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TransporterToggleON
┣ TrapsterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TrapsterToggleON
┣ VeteranWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the VeteranToggleON
┣ VigilanteWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the VigilanteToggleON
Can Guess Neutral Killing - Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Killing roles
Can Guess Neutral KillingWhether the Guesser can guess Neutral Killing rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ AgiTaterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AgiTaterToggleON
┣ ArsonistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ArsonistToggleON
┣ Blood KnightWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Blood KnightToggleON
┣ DemonWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the DemonToggleON
┣ EgoistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the EgoistToggleON
┣ The GlitchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the The GlitchToggleON
┣ HitmanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the HitmanToggleON
┣ JackalWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the JackalToggleON
┣ JuggernautWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the JuggernautToggleON
┣ MarksmanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the MarksmanToggleON
┣ OccultistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the OccultistToggleON
┣ PelicanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PelicanToggleON
┣ Plague BearerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Plague BearerToggleON
┣ RetributionistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the RetributionistToggleON
┣ WerewolfWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the WerewolfToggleON
Can Guess Neutral Passive - Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Passive roles
Can Guess Neutral PassiveWhether the Guesser can guess Neutral Passive rolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ AmalgamationWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AmalgamationToggleON
┣ AmnesiacWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the AmnesiacToggleON
┣ ArchangelWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ArchangelToggleON
┣ CopycatWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the CopycatToggleON
┣ ExecutionerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the ExecutionerToggleON
┣ HackerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the HackerToggleON
┣ JesterWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the JesterToggleON
┣ OpportunistWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the OpportunistToggleON
┣ PirateWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PirateToggleON
┣ PostmanWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the PostmanToggleON
┣ Schrödinger’s CatWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the Schrödinger’s CatToggleON
┣ SurvivorWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the SurvivorToggleON
┣ TaskrunnerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TaskrunnerToggleON
┣ TerroristWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the TerroristToggleON
┣ VultureWhether the Guesser can guess a player as the VultureToggleON
Can Guess Subroles - Whether the Guesser can guess modifiers/subroles
Can Guess SubrolesWhether the Guesser can guess modifiers/subrolesToggleDefault - Off
┣ BaitWhether the Guesser can guess a player as BaitToggleON
┣ BewilderWhether the Guesser can guess a player as BewilderToggleON
┣ DeadlyWhether the Guesser can guess a player as DeadlyToggleON
┣ DiseadedWhether the Guesser can guess a player as DiseasedToggleON
┣ FlashWhether the Guesser can guess a player as FlashToggleON
┣ GuesserWhether the Guesser can guess a player as GuesserToggleON
┣ Last ResortWhether the Guesser can guess a player as Last ResortToggleON
┣ NimbleWhether the Guesser can guess a player as NimbleToggleON
┣ ObliviousWhether the Guesser can guess a player as ObliviousToggleON
┣ RogueWhether the Guesser can guess a player as RogueToggleON
┣ RomanticWhether the Guesser can guess a player as RomanticToggleON
┣ SleuthWhether the Guesser can guess a player as SleuthToggleON
┣ TiebreakerWhether the Guesser can guess a player as TiebreakerToggleON
┣ TorchWhether the Guesser can guess a player as TorchToggleON
┣ UnstoppableWhether the Guesser can guess a player as UnstoppableToggleON
┣ WatcherWhether the Guesser can guess a player as WatcherToggleON
┣ WorkhorseWhether the Guesser can guess a player as workhorseToggleON