Indicator: Dark Yellow ⌘
Idea By: Town of Us Reactivated
| First seen in Lotus v1.1
Role Description
Grants any role the ability to guess players’ roles to eliminate them. If the Guesser is able to successfully guess a player’s role, then that player will be elimianted.
While in meeting, the Guesser can select a player they want to guess by voting for them. They can then try to guess that player’s role by using the /r [role] command (e.g. /r Vampire) in the chat.
If the Guesser correctly guesses both the player and their role, then that player will die. If the Guesser misguesseses they will suicide. To skip guessing, you may skip first before voting for a player.
Game Options
Name | Description | Type | Default |
Guesser | The probability of the Guesser modifier appearing | Percentage | 0% |
Maximum | How many Guesser modifiers should spawn | Number | 1 |
Restricted to Non Vote-Related Roles | Whether Guesser should be Restricted to non vote-related roles (ex. Medic) | Toggle | ON |
Guesses per Meeting | The amount of guesses the Guesser has per meeting | Number | 1 |
Can Guess Teammates | Whether the Guesser can guess their own team or not | Toggle | OFF |
Impostors Faction Max Guessers | The maximum number of Guessers that can be applied to the Impostor team | Number | 0 |
Crewmates Faction Max Guessers | The maximum number of Guessers that can be applied to the Crewmate team | Number | 0 |
Neutrals Faction Max Guessers | The maximum number of Guessers that can be applied to Neutral roles | Number | 0 |
The Undead Faction Max Guessers | The maximum number of Guessers that can be applied to the Undead team | Number | 0 |
title: Table of Contents
description: ‘An Introduction to the Project: Lotus Mod.’
tableOfContents: false
Can Guess Impostors - Whether the Guesser can guess Impostor roles
Can Guess Impostors | Whether the Guesser can guess Impostor roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Assassin | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Assassin | Toggle | ON |
┣ Blackmailer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Blackmailer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Bounty Hunter | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Bounty Hunter | Toggle | ON |
┣ Camouflager | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Camouflager | Toggle | ON |
┣ Consort | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Consort | Toggle | ON |
┣ Creeper | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Creeper | Toggle | ON |
┣ Disperser | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Disperser | Toggle | ON |
┣ Escapist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Escapist | Toggle | ON |
┣ FireWorks | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the FireWorks | Toggle | ON |
┣ Grenadier | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Grenadier | Toggle | ON |
┣ Identity Thief | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Identity Thief | Toggle | ON |
┣ Impostor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as a vanilla Impostor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Janitor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Janitor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mafioso | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mafioso | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mare | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mare | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mastermind | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mastermind | Toggle | ON |
┣ Miner | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Miner | Toggle | ON |
┣ Ninja | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Ninja | Toggle | ON |
┣ Phantom | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Phantom | Toggle | ON |
┣ Pickpocket | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Pickpocket | Toggle | ON |
┣ Puppeteer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Puppeteer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Serial Killer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Serial Killer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Shapeshifter | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Shapeshifter | Toggle | ON |
┣ Sniper | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Sniper | Toggle | ON |
┣ Swooper | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Swooper | Toggle | ON |
┣ Time Thief | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Time Thief | Toggle | ON |
┣ Vampire | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Vampire | Toggle | ON |
┣ Warlock | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Warlock | Toggle | ON |
┣ Witch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Witch | Toggle | ON |
┗ Yin Yanger | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Yin Yanger | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Madmates - Whether the Guesser can guess Madmate roles
Can Guess Madmates | Whether the Guesser can guess Madmate roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Crewpostor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Crewpostor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mad Guardian | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mad Guardian | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mad Snitch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mad Snitch | Toggle | ON |
┣ Madmate | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Madmate | Toggle | ON |
┗ Parasite | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Parasite | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Crewmates - Whether the Guesser can guess Crewmate roles
Can Guess Crewmates | Whether the Guesser can guess Crewmate roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Alchemist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Alchemist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Altruist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Altruist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Bastion | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Bastion | Toggle | ON |
┣ Bodyguard | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Bodyguard | Toggle | ON |
┣ Chameleon | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Chameleon | Toggle | ON |
┣ Charmer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Charmer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Crewmate | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as a vanilla Crewmate | Toggle | ON |
┣ Crusader | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Crusader | Toggle | ON |
┣ Demolitionist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Demolitionist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Dictator | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Dictator | Toggle | ON |
┣ Doctor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Doctor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Engineer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Engineer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Escort | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Escort | Toggle | ON |
┣ Ex-Convict | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Ex-Convict | Toggle | ON |
┣ Herbalist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Herbalist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Investigator | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Investigator | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mayor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mayor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Medic | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Medic | Toggle | ON |
┣ Medium | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Medium | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mystic | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mystic | Toggle | ON |
┣ Noisemaker | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Noisemaker | Toggle | ON |
┣ Observer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Observer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Oracle | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Oracle | Toggle | ON |
┣ Psychic | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Psychic | Toggle | ON |
┣ Repairman | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Repairman | Toggle | ON |
┣ Scientist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Scientist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Sheriff | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Sheriff | Toggle | ON |
┣ Snitch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Snitch | Toggle | ON |
┣ Speedrunner | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Speedrunner | Toggle | ON |
┣ Swapper | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Swapper | Toggle | ON |
┣ Tracker | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Tracker | Toggle | ON |
┣ Transporter | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Transporter | Toggle | ON |
┣ Trapster | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Trapster | Toggle | ON |
┣ Veteran | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Veteran | Toggle | ON |
┣ Vigilante | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Vigilante | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Neutral Killing - Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Killing roles
Can Guess Neutral Killing | Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Killing roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ AgiTater | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the AgiTater | Toggle | ON |
┣ Arsonist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Arsonist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Blood Knight | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Blood Knight | Toggle | ON |
┣ Demon | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Demon | Toggle | ON |
┣ Egoist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Egoist | Toggle | ON |
┣ The Glitch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the The Glitch | Toggle | ON |
┣ Hitman | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Hitman | Toggle | ON |
┣ Jackal | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Jackal | Toggle | ON |
┣ Juggernaut | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Juggernaut | Toggle | ON |
┣ Marksman | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Marksman | Toggle | ON |
┣ Occultist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Occultist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Pelican | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Pelican | Toggle | ON |
┣ Plague Bearer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Plague Bearer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Retributionist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Retributionist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Werewolf | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Werewolf | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Neutral Passive - Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Passive roles
Can Guess Neutral Passive | Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Passive roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Amalgamation | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Amalgamation | Toggle | ON |
┣ Amnesiac | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Amnesiac | Toggle | ON |
┣ Archangel | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Archangel | Toggle | ON |
┣ Copycat | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Copycat | Toggle | ON |
┣ Executioner | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Executioner | Toggle | ON |
┣ Hacker | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Hacker | Toggle | ON |
┣ Jester | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Jester | Toggle | ON |
┣ Opportunist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Opportunist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Pirate | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Pirate | Toggle | ON |
┣ Postman | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Postman | Toggle | ON |
┣ Schrödinger’s Cat | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Schrödinger’s Cat | Toggle | ON |
┣ Survivor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Survivor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Taskrunner | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Taskrunner | Toggle | ON |
┣ Terrorist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Terrorist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Vulture | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Vulture | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Subroles - Whether the Guesser can guess modifiers/subroles
Can Guess Subroles | Whether the Guesser can guess modifiers/subroles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Bait | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Bait | Toggle | ON |
┣ Bewilder | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Bewilder | Toggle | ON |
┣ Deadly | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Deadly | Toggle | ON |
┣ Diseaded | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Diseased | Toggle | ON |
┣ Flash | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Flash | Toggle | ON |
┣ Guesser | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Guesser | Toggle | ON |
┣ Last Resort | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Last Resort | Toggle | ON |
┣ Nimble | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Nimble | Toggle | ON |
┣ Oblivious | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Oblivious | Toggle | ON |
┣ Rogue | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Rogue | Toggle | ON |
┣ Romantic | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Romantic | Toggle | ON |
┣ Sleuth | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Sleuth | Toggle | ON |
┣ Tiebreaker | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Tiebreaker | Toggle | ON |
┣ Torch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Torch | Toggle | ON |
┣ Unstoppable | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Unstoppable | Toggle | ON |
┣ Watcher | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Watcher | Toggle | ON |
┣ Workhorse | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as workhorse | Toggle | ON |
title: Table of Contents
description: ‘An Introduction to the Project: Lotus Mod.’
tableOfContents: false
Can Guess Impostors - Whether the Guesser can guess Impostor roles
Can Guess Impostors | Whether the Guesser can guess Impostor roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Assassin | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Assassin | Toggle | ON |
┣ Blackmailer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Blackmailer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Bounty Hunter | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Bounty Hunter | Toggle | ON |
┣ Camouflager | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Camouflager | Toggle | ON |
┣ Consort | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Consort | Toggle | ON |
┣ Creeper | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Creeper | Toggle | ON |
┣ Disperser | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Disperser | Toggle | ON |
┣ Escapist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Escapist | Toggle | ON |
┣ FireWorks | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the FireWorks | Toggle | ON |
┣ Grenadier | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Grenadier | Toggle | ON |
┣ Identity Thief | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Identity Thief | Toggle | ON |
┣ Impostor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as a vanilla Impostor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Janitor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Janitor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mafioso | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mafioso | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mare | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mare | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mastermind | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mastermind | Toggle | ON |
┣ Miner | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Miner | Toggle | ON |
┣ Ninja | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Ninja | Toggle | ON |
┣ Phantom | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Phantom | Toggle | ON |
┣ Pickpocket | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Pickpocket | Toggle | ON |
┣ Puppeteer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Puppeteer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Serial Killer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Serial Killer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Shapeshifter | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Shapeshifter | Toggle | ON |
┣ Sniper | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Sniper | Toggle | ON |
┣ Swooper | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Swooper | Toggle | ON |
┣ Time Thief | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Time Thief | Toggle | ON |
┣ Vampire | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Vampire | Toggle | ON |
┣ Warlock | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Warlock | Toggle | ON |
┣ Witch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Witch | Toggle | ON |
┗ Yin Yanger | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Yin Yanger | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Madmates - Whether the Guesser can guess Madmate roles
Can Guess Madmates | Whether the Guesser can guess Madmate roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Crewpostor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Crewpostor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mad Guardian | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mad Guardian | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mad Snitch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mad Snitch | Toggle | ON |
┣ Madmate | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Madmate | Toggle | ON |
┗ Parasite | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Parasite | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Crewmates - Whether the Guesser can guess Crewmate roles
Can Guess Crewmates | Whether the Guesser can guess Crewmate roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Alchemist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Alchemist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Altruist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Altruist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Bastion | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Bastion | Toggle | ON |
┣ Bodyguard | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Bodyguard | Toggle | ON |
┣ Chameleon | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Chameleon | Toggle | ON |
┣ Charmer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Charmer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Crewmate | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as a vanilla Crewmate | Toggle | ON |
┣ Crusader | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Crusader | Toggle | ON |
┣ Demolitionist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Demolitionist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Dictator | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Dictator | Toggle | ON |
┣ Doctor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Doctor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Engineer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Engineer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Escort | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Escort | Toggle | ON |
┣ Ex-Convict | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Ex-Convict | Toggle | ON |
┣ Herbalist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Herbalist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Investigator | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Investigator | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mayor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mayor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Medic | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Medic | Toggle | ON |
┣ Medium | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Medium | Toggle | ON |
┣ Mystic | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Mystic | Toggle | ON |
┣ Noisemaker | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Noisemaker | Toggle | ON |
┣ Observer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Observer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Oracle | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Oracle | Toggle | ON |
┣ Psychic | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Psychic | Toggle | ON |
┣ Repairman | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Repairman | Toggle | ON |
┣ Scientist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Scientist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Sheriff | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Sheriff | Toggle | ON |
┣ Snitch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Snitch | Toggle | ON |
┣ Speedrunner | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Speedrunner | Toggle | ON |
┣ Swapper | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Swapper | Toggle | ON |
┣ Tracker | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Tracker | Toggle | ON |
┣ Transporter | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Transporter | Toggle | ON |
┣ Trapster | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Trapster | Toggle | ON |
┣ Veteran | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Veteran | Toggle | ON |
┣ Vigilante | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Vigilante | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Neutral Killing - Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Killing roles
Can Guess Neutral Killing | Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Killing roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ AgiTater | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the AgiTater | Toggle | ON |
┣ Arsonist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Arsonist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Blood Knight | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Blood Knight | Toggle | ON |
┣ Demon | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Demon | Toggle | ON |
┣ Egoist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Egoist | Toggle | ON |
┣ The Glitch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the The Glitch | Toggle | ON |
┣ Hitman | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Hitman | Toggle | ON |
┣ Jackal | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Jackal | Toggle | ON |
┣ Juggernaut | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Juggernaut | Toggle | ON |
┣ Marksman | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Marksman | Toggle | ON |
┣ Occultist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Occultist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Pelican | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Pelican | Toggle | ON |
┣ Plague Bearer | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Plague Bearer | Toggle | ON |
┣ Retributionist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Retributionist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Werewolf | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Werewolf | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Neutral Passive - Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Passive roles
Can Guess Neutral Passive | Whether the Guesser can guess Neutral Passive roles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Amalgamation | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Amalgamation | Toggle | ON |
┣ Amnesiac | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Amnesiac | Toggle | ON |
┣ Archangel | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Archangel | Toggle | ON |
┣ Copycat | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Copycat | Toggle | ON |
┣ Executioner | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Executioner | Toggle | ON |
┣ Hacker | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Hacker | Toggle | ON |
┣ Jester | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Jester | Toggle | ON |
┣ Opportunist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Opportunist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Pirate | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Pirate | Toggle | ON |
┣ Postman | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Postman | Toggle | ON |
┣ Schrödinger’s Cat | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Schrödinger’s Cat | Toggle | ON |
┣ Survivor | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Survivor | Toggle | ON |
┣ Taskrunner | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Taskrunner | Toggle | ON |
┣ Terrorist | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Terrorist | Toggle | ON |
┣ Vulture | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as the Vulture | Toggle | ON |
Can Guess Subroles - Whether the Guesser can guess modifiers/subroles
Can Guess Subroles | Whether the Guesser can guess modifiers/subroles | Toggle | Default - Off |
┣ Bait | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Bait | Toggle | ON |
┣ Bewilder | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Bewilder | Toggle | ON |
┣ Deadly | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Deadly | Toggle | ON |
┣ Diseaded | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Diseased | Toggle | ON |
┣ Flash | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Flash | Toggle | ON |
┣ Guesser | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Guesser | Toggle | ON |
┣ Last Resort | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Last Resort | Toggle | ON |
┣ Nimble | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Nimble | Toggle | ON |
┣ Oblivious | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Oblivious | Toggle | ON |
┣ Rogue | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Rogue | Toggle | ON |
┣ Romantic | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Romantic | Toggle | ON |
┣ Sleuth | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Sleuth | Toggle | ON |
┣ Tiebreaker | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Tiebreaker | Toggle | ON |
┣ Torch | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Torch | Toggle | ON |
┣ Unstoppable | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Unstoppable | Toggle | ON |
┣ Watcher | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as Watcher | Toggle | ON |
┣ Workhorse | Whether the Guesser can guess a player as workhorse | Toggle | ON |